Asgard part 2

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At the party we sat in a bar filled with other people drinking and telling tales of their most recent adventures.

Volstagg sat at a table full of children one little girl was even sat on him lap while he entertained them by yelling comically. On the opposite hand Fandral sat with three specific girls around him two sitting practically on him and one standing behind him with her hands on his shoulders while she whispered something in his ear. None of this surprised me, though, from what I've learned of these people to day this seams to be completely normal for them.

What was surprising though was that Lady Sif was here she was at the bar partying and being the loudest voice in the building. She was obviously partying the hardest out of everyone but at least she was having fun which is something that I never thought I would see given our first meeting not going well.

Thor and I added ourselves into the party as well when we arrived at dusk. We circled around the whole bar once or twice and talked with Volstagg and Fandral before we had our fill of the festivities and decided to head back to the castle for the alone time that we talked about.

When we were settled in Thor's room I sat down in the middle of his giant bed with my legs crossed under me while Thor stood in front of me. We looked at each other for a moment before he made the first move. He kissed me after sitting on the bed with me but he was on his knees slightly above me.

He pulled away after a moment and our foreheads were pressed together again.

"I want to know everything about you, Lady Ava, I've waited so long for you and now that I've found you don't want to be oblivious to anything." Thor said softly for the first time.

"There really isn't much to say I'm pretty boring. You on the other hand, you're a prince from a whole different realm, and you're the god or thunder."

"Don't dismiss yourself so easily. You, Lady Ava, are an amazing woman from what I've witnessed you have more to you than even you know yet."

"Ah yes my water powers that make me throw up every time I use them. That's a Very good fact about me." I say laughing a little.

"You'll learn how to control it. I had to, when I was a kid I couldn't control my powers at all the castle was a mess of ashes from my lightning. And like I said I will be with you for as long as I live."

"Thankyou." I said whispering while a traitorous tear rolled down my cheek.

Thor wiped the tear away gently with his calloused hand and kept it on my cheek rubbing in circles with his thumb. "Please don't be upset, Lady Ava, we will figure this out, together." Then we laid down together. With my face buried in his chest and his arms rapped around me. I felt completely and totally protected and safe which made me fall asleep quickly but not before he kissed me on the top of my head.


I woke up to Thor shaking me and a loud alarm blaring from below us.

"Lady Ava, you must get up." Thor said urgently and so I sprung up obediently, "the prison alarm is going off, my brother Loki is down there I must go."

"Go I'll look after, Ava," his mother said appearing in the door way and then he ran down the hall way with his hammer following in his wake.

"Follow me." Frigga demanded before she too was leaving but this time I followed. As we hurriedly walked down the hallways I worried for Thor and the situation he ran into without hesitation. I hope he's okay.

"Send a squadron to the weapons vault." Odin's voice echoed strongly through the gold hallway as was got closer to it and the sound of marching soldiers that followed him. "Defend it at all coasts. Secure the dungeon."

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