Making plans

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"Well Ava it's nice to meet you if you didn't already know I'm Tony Stark and he is Steve Rogers." Tony said leading me out of the pool room and into the lobby where there were people.

People who can see my mark-people who are now looking in our direction not only because I let out a shriek as soon as I remembered my soul mark was showing, but also because I was with two very famous people especially in New York.

I panicked and grabbed Tony's arm and wrapped it around my shoulders making sure that my mark is covered by his hand.

"Well if you wanted me closer you could have just asked, darling." The rich playboy said with a smirk.

Again feeling embarrassed I didn't say anything and just kept walking to the elevators with my head down. Still holding mr Stark's hand to keep it covering my mark I notice my other two mates following us and choose to let them too focused on getting out of the public eye. As soon as we are all in the elevator and on the way up to my floor I step away from mr stark.

"What was that, angel?" Mr America asked innocently. God what is he doing to me? I feel like he could ask me to move in with him and I could agree solely based on the way his eyes would be pleading with me to say yes.

"Nothing," I answer shortly not trusting my voice to say much else. Luckily the elevator dinged before anything more could be said, and as soon as the doors Started to open I bolted through them and made my way to my room.

Hoping to lock them out I walked quickly to my room and hastily opened the door and tried to slam it closed, key word tried. As the door was about to close with me safely behind it a hand grabbed it and pushed it back open for my soulmates to slip in.

"Now now, Ariel, you can't get rid of us that easily." Mr stark cockily stated as he walked passed me and took his place stretched out on the bed with his back on the headboard.

Again I don't say anything and just shake my head and grab some clothes and go to the bathroom for a shower making sure to close and lock the door behind me, but before I was able to close the door mr America said, "we will be waiting out here, angel."

I never thought that I would have these feeling for anyone. I always figured that my soulmates wouldn't except the bond because I have multiple marks, but now I'm here with them and... God they're all confusing me to no end with there stupid cute nick names and there smiles, and just their whole presents it's all either going to be the death of me or I'm just going insane. That's it I'm going insane. This is all just a dream a crazy amazing dream but a dream nonetheless, but I don't know if I want to wake up.

I wish there was some sort of meeting your soulmate for dummies book because I definitely don't think I'm doing it right maybe I should ask Emma?

Shit. Emma, I forgot about her and Blake I forgot that we had planned to meet at a little cafe around the corner that we saw last night on our way to dinner. We were supposed to meet at 8 and it's 9 now. I'm a whole hour late, and to top it off my soulmates are in my hotel room waiting for me to come out and talk to them maybe even spend the day with them.

And knowing Emma she will be coming up here to yell at me for not showing to breakfast which means she will inevitably meet my soulmates whom she doesn't even know that I have or that I've met them. Which will also lead to one of her lectures, so all in all I'm in for one hell of a day.

Sighing I turn off the shower and pull on my big girl pants literally I put on jeans and a simple blue shirt, and slowly come out of the bathroom.

As soon as I'm out I can feel their eyes on me but I don't pay attention I go straight to the sink which is right outside of the bathroom why it's not actually in the bathroom I couldn't tell. First I wash my hands, it's a nervous habit of mine, then I brush my wet hair and teeth.

Avengers mateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang