Ava's New Life

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The sun began to lower below the balcony where Ava sat with one of her legs stretched out and her other bent in against her chest and her back was leaning against the glass wall of Tony's tower. She just got off the phone with Emma and Blake and was taking a moment to just chill. Her mind was a mess. She hated what she'd been forced to do. The images of the people she killed and Steve's face as she fought him kept flashing in her mind.

Ava's eyes began to close in exhaustion but she was jolted awake soon after when she realized that she was still outside. She struggled to her feet and slowly made her way into the living room.

"Hey Ariel, how's the demon?" Tony asked as he poured himself a drink behind the bar.

"Uh, Emma is good she had a lot of questions. Really tiered me out. I should get back to my dorm." She looked around for her bag but Tony stoped her by getting into her path and placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Why are you so against staying here?"

"I just like having my own space, and I guess I don't wanna be just another girl that you bring home and impress with all your expensive stuff."

"You could never be one of them. You're my soulmate- my Ariel. I want you to be here with me. This tower may be in my name but it is yours as much as it's mine. Hell I'll even call up my lawyer and put your name on the deed. If that'll make you feel better."

"That will definitely make me feel worse."

"Well then what will make you feel more welcome?"

"I don't know," then Ava stopped not having anything else to say but at Tony's expectant look she continued, "Maybe if you let me pay rent."

"I don't need your money,"

"And I don't need your hospitality."

"I'll stay here for tonight only because you're tiring me out, but I'm not making any promises for when school starts."

"Fine... I'll drop it for now but you're staying with me tonight." Tony led his soulmate to the elevator and brought her up to his level where his bed room was. On the way though Ava stumbled and almost fell but luckily Tony caught her, "aren't you glad you stayed now? Who'd be there to catch you at school?" Tony said cheekily winking at Ava before carrying her the rest of the way into his bedroom placing her gently on his bed.

He left for a second and came back with a black tee shirt for Ava, and held it out to her. "Uhh I have my own clothes. They're in my bag."

"Yes but they are being washed right now, so you can borrow my shirt for tonight." Ava took the shirt gently from his hands and quietly thanked him. "I'll leave to let you change. Yell if you fall."

"I'm not that clumsy!" Ava yelled after he had already closed the door behind himself. He's so arrogant, but Ava finds that she likes it. She is still lost when it comes to her soulmates and them wanting to care for her more than anyone ever has including Emma and Blake, but she finds herself blushing and enjoying the attention.

She wants to be the cause of similar emotions in them too though. She doesn't want this relationship to be one sided, but she just doesn't have a clue how to express that to them- hell she doesn't even know how to flirt.

All Ava knew was that she felt more at home and cared for as she pulled Tony's shirt on and smelt his sent than she had ever in her entire life. She decided that she'd take a risk and remove her shorts and sleep only in the shirt and her underwear.

Her soul marks were all covered still by the shirt except for the one on her ankle that symbolizes Peter. That one was covered by her boot so she didn't have to worry about having them on show. For a while actually Ava  hadn't had to worry about covering them up and it really did lessen her stress levels.

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