30-Ultron 1

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Peter and I landed on the balcony but I wasn't ready to be put down so instead I reached up and kissed him. Effectively distracting the both of us from reality for just a moment more. But he pulled back laughing with the biggest goofy smile on his face, and he placed his forehead against mine. "You're trouble."

"I know," I whispered back and softly kissed him again. Then I pulled back and stood on my own. "Thanks for last night. I'm sorry  if I was too much I-"

"You're not too much, A. I enjoyed our time together." This time he kissed me then took my hand to lead me inside. Damn i guess I'm not that distracting after all. And there we found Clint limping around.

"Clint!" I quickly ran over and hugged him. When I was there though I'd realized that I'd never fully hugged him. That realization made me freeze and my body became stiff but as he wrapped his big arms, that I remember noting for the first time when we met in this very room, around me I ever so slowly melted into the hug.

"I'm okay, Ava." He whispered but still held onto me he even began to rub his hand up and down my back. "I'm okay."

"Are you sure?" I was surprised by the soft sound of my voice. I sounded so vulnerable.

"Yes, I'm sure. Don't worry about me."

"Too late."

He chuckled lowly at that and slowly pulled away, but he kept contact by holding my hand. He then led me away into the elevator and and into a room I'd never been in before. "Tony had this room decorated. The closet and bathroom are fully stocked with anything you'll need."

"This is my room?" I'd never had so much space or stuff.

"Yes, we all agreed we prefer if you'd stay here." Clint watched me as I turned away and got closer to the large window. The view was beautiful. "I get not wanting to move in so quickly, but it is safer here and" he started rambling about why they think I should move in.

"I don't want to be some kind of freeloader burden, Clint." He sighed and I heard him get closer to me but I still continued to look out over the city, even as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

We didn't say anything for a while as we stayed there in peace. But soon he broke it, "you are our soulmate. And many other things to us but never a burden." He placed his chin on the top of my head cocooning me in. "Ava, we just want you safe."

"What threat is there?" I asked seeing as hydra/ shield has been exposed and in recent months been dismantled, and Loki is in custody.

"There are many that you don't know about, some that we don't know about either. We're 'earth's mightiest heroes' remember. We can protect you from our enemies but we need you close to do that."

That made me think of Tony's plan. Ultron. I turned in his arms to face him, "I don't like the sound of that,"

He roguishly smiled at me, "so you don't want to be close to us?"

"I didn't say that... I was referring to the unknown enemies" I wrapped my arms around his neck and started playing with the bottom half of his hair.

His eyes softened but didn't say anything instead he seemed to notice how tired I was and lead me by the hand to his bed. We laid there for a while but soon I found myself drifting to sleep while Clint held me close.

Later that day I woke from my nap to see him. He was peacefully asleep while I was practically laying on top of him. I turned my head to look at him properly watching as he seemed to slowly wake up as well. He kept his eyes closed even as he squeezed me closer and smiled. I smiled as well and closed my eyes once again in bliss, as he started rubbing my back.

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