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"Ava Dotson Welters where that hell have you been?!" Emma yells as she barges into my room. Completely interrupting the quiet time that I was having with my mates, whom I still haven't gotten to know fully.

"I fell asleep last night, and decided to stay there."

"Tony told me that you didn't want to come back, and he said that you wanted to stay with them for the rest of the week."

I look over to tony who is sitting casually on the couch next to Bruce and peter.

"No no no you are putting words into my mouth, you demon." Tony defends himself, "Ariel, I didn't say any of that to her all I said was that you were gonna spend the night with us, and that you might spend some more time with us this week not the whole week."

"Emma, sweetie, you can't just go runing into other people's room you have to knock first." Blake said as he also came into the room without knocking.

"Great it's a party let me just get out the champagne, and we will be set." I mutter under my breath going back to sketching a picture of Tony's building that I can see just outside of my window even though I'm sitting on my bed and the window is a fairly good distance away.

"I will want something a little stronger than champagne, lady Ava." Thor said from his spot next to me.

"I'm not in charge of that plus we're not having an actual party."

"The celebrations are extravagant where I come from especially after we win a battle. Those could go on for days weeks even. Perhaps I'll have the pleasure of taking you to one, lady Ava."

"That sounds really fun. Where exactly are you from again?"


"Avaaaa we were going to go out last night." Emma wines to me coming over to sit on the bed cutting of our conversation.

"Well we can go out tomorrow night."  I say shooting Thor and apologetic smile half out my hand for him to take as an unspoken 'sorry for my crazy inconsiderate friend'.

"Why not tonight?" Emma asks completely ignoring everyone else in the room even Blake. who is getting glared at by Clint which is making him very uncomfortable.

"Because I just wanna stay in and hang out tonight. If you know what I mean."

"Ohh I know what you mean. You're gonna gossip about us. Can I come?" Tony cut in our conversation causing Emma to give him her attention with a glare.

"No. Girls only."

"Hey what about me!?" Blake asked seemingly outraged.

"Sorry babe you're on your own tonight. we need girl time, and you remember what happened last time."

"It wasn't my fault that I was allergic to the face mask!" Blake yells for the thousandth time.

"No but it is your fault that we had to go to the hospital because you wouldn't stop winning."

"Well I'm a girl can I come?" Natasha asks stopping any more banter from happening between the couple while leaning against the wall next to the empty dresser.

"Sure! That would be great. we can leave now to get supplies." Emma says standing up and taking my sketch book from my lap and putting it into my bag.

"Hey! I wasn't done."

"You boys better not be here when we get back." Emma says ignoring me, and walking out the door with my bag in hand.

I shake my head and stand up, "Well I guess we are leaving now."

Everyone files out of the room and makes their way to the elevators.

"Have fun at girls night." Blake says stopping in front of his and Emma's door.

All the avengers are starting at us, especially Clint, but I don't care enough to pay any mind to it. So I hug Blake and kiss his cheeks keeping up our tradition of saying goodbye to each other in a fake posh accent we say, "goodbye darling, see you next time."

"What was that?" Steve asks me when I join them in the elevator.

"That was the way we say bye we started it when we were in middle school, and I guess we do it out of habit." I answer shrugging.

The door opens only for us to be greeted by an overly excited Emma. "Come on girls we have so much shopping to do."

"Calm down, Emma, and go get the car we'll meet you up front." I say knowing that if I didn't give her something to do she would get even more hyper.

"Okay! We are going to have so much fun!" She squeals before rushing off to the car.

"I'm really sorry about her she really means well. Blake must have given her too much coffee these past mornings. She's just super girly and hyper.... especially when she is pumped with caffeine, so it's cool if you decide to back out now." I say to Natasha rubbing the back of my neck.

"No-no it's fine. I wouldn't want to miss out spending time with my soulmate." She says reassuring me which makes me smile and look down.

"Alright, I guess we'll see you later, Ariel, we have some super hero things to do." Tony says kissing me on the cheek which also makes me look down with a smile.

"Okay, I'll see you guys later." I say waving them off as they get into their cars and drive away. "So ever been to a 'girls night'?" I ask Natasha who is still standing next to me.

"I have actually it was for a mission I was undercover, and the experience wasn't too bad we did our nails and gossiped. It definitely proved a good opportunity to get information."

"Oh well Emma takes girls night to a whole different level then just nail painting and talking, so be prepared."

"I think I'll be okay if you're there." Natasha flirts. She puts her arm around my shoulders -and kisses my cheek.

My stomach is freakin doing backflips and backhand springs. It's become very uncomfortable and yet I can't seem to get enough it's like she is my definition of insanity I just keep coming back to her even though I feel uncomfortable and crazy around her.

"I'll be honest I've never felt this way about any girls so I think we'll need some time to get fully used to this not that I won't need time to get used to the others and my relationship with them as well I just think it'll need a little bit more time for us." I say all in one breath not able to keep my worry inside anymore.

"No I get it. I've never felt any feelings for girls before either so we will but need some time and I'm definitely okay with going as slow as you want." She says slowly and calmly completely balancing out the conversation since I had been talking fast.

As we are looking at each other both at a complete understanding of each other and how we feel, and She squeezes my shoulders just as Emma pulls up and yells,  "get in losers we're going shopping."

"Mean girls really Emma?" I ask as I slide into the passengers seat.

"Yes, Of course. I couldn't pass up that kind of opportunity."

"Where to first?" Natasha asks from the back seat.

"First we get lunch I'm hungry." I say turning in my seat to smirking at Natasha, "I've only had coffee today after all."

Emma stays quiet but she does put the car in drive and turn on the music, and just like that we were off starting our girls night.

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