Back to square one- 27

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When we got to the tower I hesitated. Looking out of the window seeing the daunting building I wondered how this would go. Bruce, Steve, and Natasha are the only ones that know what this is about and they were okay with Bucky but there's no telling how everyone else will react.

"It'll be okay." Natasha said from the drivers seat.

I took a deep breath. "Being with you guys has been a dream. Getting shot and brain washed was a nightmare. I just don't see where I fit in. Soulmates of not I-" I cut myself off butting my lip.

"When I was eleven my sister and I got separated. She was taken into the red room and I was forced into being an assassin. Clint saved me years later and brought me here to be a shield agent. I went back and killed the man responsible dismantling the red room but I never found my sister." I took her hand and watched as she drew comfort from me to continue. "My point is There is no fitting in. Being a part of this life isn't about what you're supposed to do it's about doing what you think is right and doing to the best of your ability."

"Do you- do you like the whole soulmate thing? Is it real or are we all just going insane?"

"I think it's real. I think we would've found you even if we didn't have that ocean tattoo."

"I'm sorry about your sister."

"We have what we have when we have it."

I chuckled at that one and squeezed her hand before we both got out of the car and made our way into the tower. Time to face the music.

Everyone was there.

Tony and Bruce were sitting on the couch talking to Peter about something while Clint Steve and Thor were standing next to the floor length window and talking. Natasha and I just stood there at the entrance for a minute I could tell that she was waiting for me to make the first move it I didn't and no one noticed that we were here.

I watched them as they interacted Tony and Bruce looked like dads talking to their kid and the three by the window looked like friends catching up. But the atmosphere had a light feel to it so knowing what could potentially happen made me feel guilty. I didn't want to be the cause of this feeling going away. I didn't even want to interrupt. They all just looked so calm.

That feeling of interrupting went away though as I heard my name in a their conversations. Making me smile.

"I know we're late but you had to start eating without us?" I said raising an eyebrow at the open pizza box that sat on the coffee table.

"Sorry A. But hey! You're here." Peter said throwing his pizza on his plate and running up to me and hugging me. His enthusiasm is heart warming but his hug made me wince as he rubbed against my still healing stomach. "You're hurt? Are you okay?" His eyes searched from the wound and I lifted my shirt for him to see.

"I got shot, but I'm okay Bruce stitched me up. But at least I'm out of my cast." I tried to joke about it but he wasn't having it he frowned and hugged me again just more gentle this time. Then he helped me to the couch sitting me down next to Bruce. Not that I needed help.

"Who shot you? What happened? It's only been three days since I last saw you but I feel like I missed so much."

I looked around and saw that everyone had gathered and were all paying attention. Steve and Natasha looking guilty, Tony and Bruce knowingly watching, and thor and Clint looking angry. "I thought you three knew. Natasha told me about the group chat."

"Well it seems they forgot to mention a few things." Clint said pointedly looking at the four that already knew.

"I'm sorry."

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