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Peter and I left the park and headed straight to... an ally?

"Um Peter what are we doing?" I ask completely lost.

"Just close your eyes, A"

I raise my eyebrow at him but do as told even though it doesn't make much sense. I hear clothes ruffling and zippers zipping until finally Peter says, "Okay you can open them now."

I open my eyes to see peter. In his Spider-Man suit which is more of a glorified morph suit that teens where for halloween.

"Wow," I say coming closer to him, "you look good. Very superhero-like."

He rolls his eyes and without warning he scoops me up into his arms and webs us up the side of the building.

"Shit!" I exclaim while closing my eyes and tightly wrapping my arms around him to be sure that he doesn't drop me.

"I got you, A, just relax."

After a while of swinging around the city I finally start to relax. Slowly I open my eyes against the rushing wind, and a smile works it's self onto my face.

This is awesome. The feeling is so euphoric and invigorating so much so that I don't want it to end. I never want to let go of this felling of being in the air with one of my soulmates-of being with my soulmate.

I let out a shriek of joy and peter follows my lead, so we are both practically screaming while swinging around the city.

The news people, who I have seen around taking pictures of us-well of Spider-Man, are going to be very confused. Their pictures are going to be very weird for their articles on Spider-Man.

Soon we landed on top of stark tower or rather the Avengers tower. I can't stop laughing from the adrenaline rush that I'm feeling.

"that- that was amazing, P," I said after finally catching my breath.

"Yeah it was! It was sooo cool when we swung by that news reporter he was freaked by how close we were to him, and by all our yelling! Man I really need to to that more often, and I'm glad you liked it we should definitely do it again."

"Definitely. maybe we can make it into a weekly thing," I suggest already getting excited for the next time.


"Well well well look who finally decided to show up." Mr stark interrupted from inside the tower before coming over to wrap an arm around me and direct us inside, "have fun? Good cause that took too long and now Natasha and Clint aren't going to let you take her out like that again anytime soon. They practically passed a hole in my tower."

"Aw come on it didn't take THAT long."

"Tell that to them." Mr stark said just before we entered the lounge area where nat and Clint practically attacked me and peter. only I got hugged and fussed over and peter got a lecture on paying more attention to time.

Huh, I guess it was a long time the sun is completely down and it's almost pitch black outside. I didn't even notice, but now that I have I also notice that I'm starved I've only eaten once today, and that was brunch. now it's practically 9pm and I haven't eaten dinner yet.

Peter, who is being lectured, looks so miserable so I decide to step in, " guys it's fine we just lost track of time no big deal. Plus I just got a text from Emma and she said if I'm not back at the hotel soon that she would come here and practically barbecue you all, so take me back to the hotel, so I can sleep."

"Why would we be scared of a teenager? Well take you back later." Clint said clueless as to what kind of hurricane my best friend is.

"We've got to take her back. Now, Emma, that little teenager, is a force to be reckoned with." Mr America said contradicting Clint because he's seen her temper up close.

Thor who is standing next to me wraps an arm around me, and I cuddle into him with a little yawn. God I'm so exhausted. Today has been one of the longest days ever. I knew I should've slept in.

"Guys Ava's tired anyways why don't we just take her back." Bruce suggests cutting through everyone's arguments about what they wanted to do.

They all look at me with their soft expressions and I can practically hear them all internally aww. If I weren't so tired I'd like to smack the look right off of all of their faces.

"I've got an idea," Tony said softly while walking over to me and holding out his hand, "here give me your phone."

"Why?" I question sleepily, "what are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna call Emma and tell her that you will meet her and Blake at the hotel in the morning. Your too tired to go all the way back to your hotel room."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do, Ariel, your practically already asleep on Thor right now, so just give me your phone."

"Fine but you've got to be sure to butter her up before you tell her. She won't like this, and she always follows up on her threats. Have fun." I say as I hand him the phone, and as soon as I do thor picks me up and takes me over to the couch.

On the way over I sleepily note that everyone is scattered around the room with pillows and blankets. I guess we are all sleeping in here tonight. Thor lays us down on it with me on top of him, and just like that I'm sound asleep surrounded by my superhero soulmates.

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