Loki and Ava

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I woke up on the ship again but this time Thor was no where to be seen.

"Ah look who's awake."

"Where are we? Where's Thor?" I asked sleepily looking around.

"Don't worry about that, Ava, we have much to discuss."

"Shit." I said to myself. "What do you want?"

"Your power. You're stronger than even me, and it'll destroy you inevitably. What's a little speeding up the process?" Then he moved towards me quickly grabbing my arm and yanking me up. I fought as hard as I could against him and ended up smacking him in the face. He reached up and dabbed at the tiny wound on his lower lip.

Then he pulled out the scepter. It was blue and glowing bright burning my retinas, but didn't dare to look away. I've heard all that he was able to do with that weapon. He was even able to control Clint, a trained spy, I was in some even deeper shit than I thought.

"Loki..." I said cautiously backing up until I couldn't without falling out of the still in motion ship. I really wish my soulmates were here, or even the suit that Tony made me so that I wouldn't have to face Loki in his whole armored up self.

"You have heart." He said right before he placed the tip of the scepter on my chest right above my heart. I felt some foreign coldness take over my body and I knew that I wasn't in control anymore as I relaxed my tense muscles without wanting to. The coldness only got stronger as I tried to fight against it. I could feel it burning in my heart and eyes- the two most intense locations of the coldness- I wouldn't be surprised if the color of my eyes have changed or if there was a mark of blue on my chest, but I was unable to check because I couldn't do anything Loki didn't allow.

It was a horrific feeling.

"Now let's pay a visit to your home planet. we have some business to attend." Loki commanded as he stood at the controls for the ship and sped it up until we arrived on Earth. I don't want to be here. I want to be back to the dark world- or whatever- find Thor, and then go home. I just want to go home, but not in this way.

We landed and Loki led the way off the ship and threw the city of New York while I was forced to follow. I couldn't even ask any questions all I could do was think over and over that this is the way- this is right. It felt like I was being hypnotized. The coldness had a mind of its own, and it wanted me to think the same so that I would be complaint. It was forcing me to be a good soldier for Loki.

When Loki blew up an iron door with his scepter and strode through it as the king he played as. He looked back at me and gestured to the room full of agents of shield I didn't know what he wanted me to do, but obviously the coldness did it acted as me and drowned every single one of them using there saliva. I had never seen anything so gruesome in my life, and I was the one doing it. I wanted to mourn for their life's but Loki didn't allow it. He blasted through a second set of doors and apparently found what he was searching for.

The tesseract. I had seen pictures of it on the news, and along with the scepter it was cold, and glowing blue only it was way brighter I couldn't even stand to look at it. "Now we begin again, and this time I won't fail." Loki said and then we were off to repeat the past. I can only hope that it ends the same way as before.


We were standing in the stark tower at the very top. Loki ordered me to make us drinks and so that's what I was doing when Tony and Steve showed up. I start to fight harder against the coldness when I realized what Loki was about to make me do.

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