Getting to know you

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When we got out of the hotel a fancy shiny car was there. With out hesitation mr stark walked right up to it and opened the door while motioning for me to get in. Seeing no other options I slid in mr America, mr stark, and Natasha soon following.

"Back to the tower, Happy." Mr Stark said confidently resting one leg over the other and putting his arm behind me.

Happy, the driver, grumbled under his breath but still put the car in drive and pulled out onto the oncoming traffic not paying any mind to the rude honks directed at him.

I sat quietly looking out the window thinking about this new city that I'll be living in for the next couple of years of my life. Since it was my first time in a big city I was still in awe and a little bit bothered by the tall buildings and the large amount of rude people that seem to always surround you in New York.

There wasn't really a word to use to fully describe the way New York truly makes you feel when you first experience it. Some people may say it made them feel small and insignificant and some people would say it made them feel empowered to be able to curse a stranger out on the streets and get away with it.

But I feel completely and utterly at home in this insanely rude fast paced city. I feel like a full fledged New Yorker who can feel big and apart of something in this city- I feel like I can take someone cursing me out for no reason and turn it only a joke instead of getting offended or mad.

I don't know, maybe it's my meeting my soulmates here doing this to me. Maybe where ever they live will feel like home there is no way to know, so I'm just going to enjoy this feeling for how ever long I can.

"Hey, we're here." Natasha said taking my attention away from my thoughts and to her. She was beautiful. I've literally never had any feelings for a girl before or even found one attractive. I don't know about her but for me this is going to take some getting used to. With all of them it will be an adjustment, but we, me and Natasha, have a lot to figure out together.

We get out of the car together and mr stark leads the way with mr America on my right and Natasha on my left I follow behind him to the elevators in the underground parking garage we were in.

When we get in mr America hits the top button that I'm guessing is the penthouse, and as we went up I could feel all of my soul marks going crazy.

"Okay so when we get up there, angel, everyone will be there." Mr America said putting his hand in mine to get my attention probably because he knows how distracted I am by my soul marks at the moment. He even gives it a squeeze causing me to look down at our hands with a little smile.

"Everyone as in..." i say un-sure.

"Everyone as in the rest of your soulmates." Natasha clears up for me causing me to get wide eyes when that registers in my mind all seven of my soulmates will be in the same room with me at the same time most of whom I haven't even met yet.

I'm about to protest and suggest we do introductions one by one instead but it's too late because the elevator doors are opening. They are all there just like Natasha and mr America said. 

All except one I count are there, but I don't question it slightly relieved that I have one less soulmate to meet right now, but I can't help but wander where he or she is cause apparently that is an option now. who knew?

The avengers they're all here, and thankfully they are all too focused on talking to each other not that they would be able to see me as I'm hiding slightly behind mr America still holding onto his hand only my grip has become tighter.

On top of that all of my marks are tingling as if they are about to be set a flame. As if they have all simultaneously noticed their marks doing the same as mine is they all look over in my direction.

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