Peter Parker

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"Mr Stark! Mr stark! You won't believe this. Happy came to pick me up like always right. And then when he wasn't going in the direction of the tower I asked him where we were going and he said that we were meeting here but he never told me why and I was like come on just tell me and finally he told me that we were having dinner with all the avengers today. Is that true. Cause if it's true I don't think I'm ready for that you know? And I'm definitely not dressed well enough for that," A kid talking really fast came up to our table and interrupted poor Thor's story to talk to tony without even noticing anyone else at the table except for Tony.

"Yeah kid it's true but he left someone out. Kid meet Ava. Ava meet peter, your last soulmate." Tony said turning peter to face me and the rest of the group.

"Hey," I say with a shy smile and wave.


"Wow, they're both so painfully shy." Clint said crossing his arms. That seems to be his signature move... not that I'm complaining.

"So. Peter how old are you?" I question ignoring Clint's rude comment.

"I'm 17 how old are you?"

"18 just graduated high school."

"Cool," Peter said staring at me in a daze I wonder if he's going into shock or something. Looking around at my soulmates for help I see that only Tony hasn't started a new conversation with someone else but he's observing our first interaction as if he was expecting something like this to happen.

"Come on kid snap out of it. We talked about this last week." They talked about this? Which means they planned this out-they thought most of it through? Damn that's not far they had a whole team and whole group of people and I only had me.

I call foul play.

"I know mr stark. I just- I just didn't think all of this would happen so soon." Peter says in a whisper as if that will keep me from hearing.

"Yeah I know kid neither did we, but it has and I'm rather enjoying it." Tony said with a wink in my direction, "just relax and be your self, kid, Ariel will love you just as you'll love her."

"Okay. Yeah okay," Peter says quietly to himself before fully turning his body in my direction giving me a smile jerking his hand out for me to shake, "hi. I'm Peter Parker. Shoot you already knew that."

I laugh and shake his hand his fast paced talking and energy somehow put me at ease, "hey Peter." I say looking into his eyes with a small smile. We sit there for a minute just holding each other's hand and smiling.

"Alright! Let's go take a walk shall we, Ariel, or would you like to go for a swim instead?" Tony asked jokingly holding out a hand for me to take and follow him. Reluctantly I let go of Peter's hand with a little squeeze, and grab a hold of Mr Stark's hand instead.

We walked out of the restaurant and straight past our cars, and made our way in what seemed to be a random direction to me at least. "Uh where are we going exactly?" I ask letting go of Tony's hand.

"We are going to Bryant Park it's one of my favorite places to go in New York." Clint speaks up to answer my question, and I smile at him over my shoulder in appreciation.

As we walk I once again look around in wonder at the tall buildings and rude people who don't expect me to wave and be polite to them as we pass by each other. Deciding to speak up I ask, "so peter you almost done with school this year?"

"Oh yeah I'm just finishing up finals this week. What about you, Ava, are you still in school?"

"Well no i uh actually graduated high school just last week, and I'm starting college early at NYU."

"Cool is that why you're in town. I'm assuming that you aren't from here based on the way your looking at your surroundings like a puppy. Not that that's bad or anything it's actually really really cute. I like puppies." Peter rambled causing me and Mr America to laugh.

"Yeah I'm not actually from around here I'm from California." I say answering his question still slightly chuckling at his adorableness.

Mr America comes and wraps his arm around my shoulders giving me a side hug like Blake did earlier this morning and says, "wow that was something. Don't you think angel?"

"Yeah it was cute." I say hugging Steve back still smiling at Peter hopefully he will relax more soon. Even if I find his ramblings cute. He has every right to be nervous I am too. Hopefully we can both calm down soon cause we seem to be the only two who are still slightly worked up with.... everything.

We got to the park and Mr. Stark stopped walking right in the middle of a patch of grass and plopped himself down. We all followed his lead and sat in a mini circle. Peter was to my right, Bruce was to my left, and Mr. Stark was right across from me.

"So," I spoke up, "what do you guys normally do everyday cause I know it's not just hang around New York I mean your super heroes for God's sake.... well all except peter."


"That where your wrong,Ava, I am a super hero." Peter spoke up cutting off mr America, "have you ever heard of Spider-Man?"

"Uh yeah everyone has, Peter." I say confused why would he bring up Spider-Man right now? "Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you Spider-Man?!?"

"Yeah I am." Peter says smiling.

"Wow that's insane you'll have to take me out swinging."

"Actually it's my webs. You know my spider webs. Cause I'm Spider-Man."

"I know peter but I like swinging better sounds more fun."

"Okay then yeah I can totally take you out one day."

"Uh I don't know about that Parker. What if you accidentally drop her or something." Natasha said crossing her arms to match Clint who is sitting next to her in the same position.

"Oh come on I won't drop her, and she's my soulmate too."

"How are we supposed to know that you absolutely won't drop her."

"Because I'm Spider-Man! AND I'll be extra careful."

"Guys we should trust peter they will be fine." Mr America said ending all debate.

"Yes! Okay Ava lets go now before they change their minds." Peter said before grabbing my hand and rushing to leave the park.

"When your both done come to the tower we have things to discuss." Tony said to peter and me before we both waved bye to everyone.

This will be fun I've never really flown or anything like that and now I'm going to be swinging from skyscraper to skyscraper in freakin New York City with my soulmate who I just met and afterwards I'm going to go back to tony freaking Stark's tower who is also my soulmate.

This is completely insane.  I can't believe this is my life.

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