19-Asgard part 1

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The felling was disorienting. I felt weightless yet heavy at the same time until finally we were let out back onto our own two feet. But I didn't let go of Thor instead I tightened my grip on him and buried my face deeper into his chest.

"Thank you, Heimdall." Thor says talking to someone else while holding me, still.

"Welcome home." A deep voice resonated around us it almost echoed as is we were in a dome. I looked up at the person who spoke he was standing in the middle of the sphere shaped room holding an extravagant sword while dressed in an equally unique set of armor. "And welcome, Ava Welters soon to be queen."

My eyes went wide at the Queen comment, but before I could question him about it Thor lead me out of the building and onto a shimmering rainbow bridge. Just the sight of it caused me to lose my train of thought. The bridge's coloring acted as water always moving and shimmering in the light from the sun. As we made our way closer to the other side of the bridge I couldn't tare my eyes way from watching under my feet not believing what I was seeing, but that caused me to be even more shocked when I looked back up to see that there were parts of a city already meeting us.

Trees, houses, gardens all types of civilization were beginning to surround us and we weren't even at the end of the bridge. The buildings weren't like any I've seen before they were strange to me but a good strange. When I finally looked ahead rather than down or to the side I saw the biggest building of all... the castle. It resembled an organ with golden columns reaching toward the sky each one getting higher and higher as they meet together.

"You grew up there? That's your home??" I ask pointing at the castle.

Thor just smiles and tugs me closer to him. He hold out his unoccupied hand and only has to wait for a second for his glorified hammer to fly into his hand. Then we were off he flew us all the way to the end of the bridge. why we didn't do that in the first place, I don't know.

When he landed I didn't want to let go of his waist so I grip on tighter, but a loud voice startles me into letting go of Thor and stumbling away from him but not too far. "You're back..." the only other woman says standing with her were three men. She was looking at Thor with the look of desire but when she looked at me her eyes turned cold. "I see you've found what you left looking for."

She must be talking about me and how we're soulmates, but that doesn't make since, doesn't she have her own soulmate? She's acting like Thor is hers but as far as I know Thor doesn't have any more soulmarks. I shuffle on my feet very uncomfortable with the situation.

"Lady Sif and the warriors three." The biggest man stepped in and introduced them all to me.

"Ava." I said trying to smile.

"My friends, it is good to see you." Thor says hugging the man who recently spoke. "This is Lady Ava, my soulmate, and future queen of Asgard." There it is again, Queen, when did anyone ever say anything about being queen to me before today? I don't know the first think about being queen and I've barely seen anything of this realm or whatever it's supposed to be.

"It is definitely fantastic to meet you, lady Ava." A man with dirty blond hair boldly stepped forward into my space smiling trying to charm me.

A different looking man dressed in all black armor spoke quietly but firmly, "my queen, it's a pleasure, please ignore Fandral he's a dog."

"Lady Ava allow me to take you to get something to eat, you must be hungry." The first man said. He seamed to be the safest between Thor's friends even though he is the biggest.

"Go with them I have to talk with my father. I'll find you afterwards then I can show you around." Thor said holding onto my hand and squeezing it to reassure me before he left.

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