Back to the hotel

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After two more cups of coffee I'm definitely feeling more alive, and I was itching to get back to Emma and Blake. So we can talk about everything that has happened, and I can spill out all of my insecurities/worries about my soulmates and what's going to happen in the future.

"I should go. There's no telling whats waiting for me back at the hotel. How did Emma take it last night?" I ask Tony during a lag in conversation.

"let's just say she is definitely going to kill me and possibly the others when we show up."

"Good job iron man I thought you said you would handle it."

"I tried! But your friend is practically a demon."

"No she's not."

"She threatened to chop off my manhood with a rusty butter knife."

"Okay I might see your point. She's not a demon though she's just.... passionate. Yeah she's passionate about protecting her friends."

"Yeah well her 'passion' is demonic."

"I'd love to get back to my demon friend either way, Tony." I say walking into the messy lounge and scoop up my bag and head to the elevator, "the question is who's driving me?" I ask pushing the button and facing my soulmates who are all scattered around the room.

"We're all coming along, A." Peter said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"O-oh okay I guess." I stuttered suddenly nervous I just remembered that all my marks except the ones on my back and stomach are visible. mostly because I didn't think about even checking them while I was in the bathroom earlier today.

Damn I can't believe I was so careless. Now I have to go out in public like this with my soulmates no less. I'm not as worried about them seeing my marks right now because I just spent the whole morning with them without any problems. No I'm worried about other people-strangers seeing my marks.

What am I going to do?I can't go in public with them showing!

"I'm!..... gonna go to the bathroom first before we leave." I say in a high pitched voice, and quickly slipped out from under Peter's arm then ran to the bathroom that I had found earlier.

"Okay-okay-okay," I chant to myself as I shakily get out my makeup from my bag and apply it to all of my marks to be sure that none of them will be visible to anyone, "calm down it's fine. Everything is fine. Okay." I crazily talk to myself in the mirror after I've put everything back in its place.

I just stand there for a moment trying to calm my heart while looking at myself in the mirror with my hands braced on the sink. One of these days these panics of mine are going to get the best of me, but luckily today is not that day.

With a very deep breath I splash water on my face towel it dry and rejoin my mates at the elevators.

"Ready?" Steve asks obviously noticing that I've covered up my marks again.

"Yeah," I say while sighing, "Emma will probably be waiting when we get there."

"I say we forget about Emma and go get some breakfast." Clint chimed in which caused peter mumble his agreement.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you had met her." I say as we all pile into the elevator.

Clint comes to stand next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulders, "I'm not scared of her."

"Okayyyy but don't say I didn't warn you." I say chuckling.

Everyone gets into their normal cars when we get to the garage level, and this time I decide to ride with tony, peter, Bruce, and Steve this time instead of with Clint, Natasha, and Thor.

Tony put his sunglasses on and smirked at me though the mirror then pulled out of the parking place. "Glad you decided to join us, Ariel."

"Yeah! I'm glad your here too!" Peter said excitedly and put his hand on top of mine.

"Welcome to the nerds side." Bruce chimed in as he turned in his seat to give me one of his dorky smiles.

Unsure on how to properly respond to everyone I just smile and turn my palm up for it to meet with Peter's so that we were now holding hands. I then turn to the window expecting to see all of the people and skyscrapers of New York but instead all I can see are blurs of color because Tony is driving like a mad man.

When I notice how fast we're going I decided to go with it and roll down the window next to me, and stuck my head out. Letting out a shout kind of like when I was out with peter yesterday.

Then peter joins in leaning out his window and again we were together with the wind in our ears. We made eye contact over the roof and laughed together.

We were having fun so much fun we didn't even notice that we were close to the hotel.

BeforeI have the chance to get tony to turn on the radio we pull up to the hotel and he is out of the car and opening my door for me.

As I climb out of the car with my hand in Tony's the other car with the rest of my soulmates speeds in.

"What in the hell were you thinking?! Driving that fast with our mate." Clint yells as soon as he gets out of the car and comes over to us- well to me and gently grabs me into a hug. "You can't drive like that anymore. Not while our mate is with you."

"It's fine, Clint, it was kinda fun actually" I say in Tony's defense hugging Clint back.

"She was perfectly safe I promise. You need to lighten up, Legolas." Tony said before patting Clint on the back patronizing him.

"Safe my ass you were going 55 in a 35 mile zone, Tony!"

"Okay okay lets all just calm down." I say noticing the crowd that has started to form around us because of the seen they are creating and for the fact that they are the avengers. "Let's go inside and you two can talk about this later, okay?"

"Yeah come on A let's go. You can introduce me to your 'demon' friend." Peter chimes in taking my hand and leading me into the hotel and to the elevators which makes everyone follow us Tony and Clint taking up the rear.

We ride up to my floor in silence no one knowing exactly what to say. Finally the doors opened and they all filed out once again following me and peter to my room.

When I open the door for us all to come in I notice that my room is a complete mess and nothing is where I left it.

"Uh I think someone has been in here." I say nervously causing everyone to go into red alert.

"Get behind us." Steve says protectively as Clint and Natasha begin to search the room for anyone, and just when I start to get really worried I here a familiar scream.

And before I can reassure everyone Clint comes out pushing him a head of him though the bathroom door.

"Who are you?" Clint asks in a dark intimidating voice.


"He's my best friend Clint let him go."

"Why are you in her room dressed only in a towel?"

"I-i took a shower in here because Emma was taking too long." Blake said still super nervous to have all the avengers staring at him while he only had a towel to cover up and to be interrogated by Clint.

"Clint, it's fine. cool it. Blake you can go back to your room tell Emma that I'm back when you get there. Okay?"

"Okay yeah well I'll see you in a minute. I'm sure Emma is ready to get all the details out of you."

"Sounds good see you in a minute, Blake."

"Yeah see you in a minute, Blake, and you better have some pants on." Clint says just as Blake was about to close the door.

"Well that went well." Bruce commented.

-Hello everyone I'm very sorry for the wait on this chapter. Nothing that I was writing for a whole week wasn't working at all, so this was as good as I could get it this time. Hopefully next chapter will be better.-

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