Graduating and Moving

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"We did it! Can you believe that we really graduated?!?"

That was screamed into my ear as soon as graduation ended by my two best friends Blake and Emma.

"You guys are so loud, and yes I know we did it,Blake, we graduated high school."I say with a smile wrapping my arm around Emma.

"Yeah, and now we get to go on our senior trip." Emma added in, "we leave tomorrow right?"

"Yes Emma tomorrow bright and early from my house."

"Alright I'll meet you guys there. Oh and I'm not driving." I say walking to my car knowing that they have special plans to night. Blake and Emma are soulmates they met freshman year of high school and have been together ever since.

They sort of adopted me when I ran straight between them in the middle of their first conversation as soul mates cutting off their special moment. Which is supposed to be a big deal,but clumsy me had to ruin it. Yeah, definitely not the best first impression. Thankfully they were cool about it and we soon became friends.

Sometimes I felt like the third wheel and that I shouldn't be present for some of the things that I was present for like at the movies they always hold hands and I'm just the loner girl sitting with the two happy soulmates.

However they were my friends, and it isn't always so bad we hang out a lot so it has become normal to them at least, so I dealt with it.

I dealt with a lot my during high school years it seems I dealt with everyone meeting their soulmate, I dealt with my mother's death, I dealt with my father's drunkenness, and I dealt with school.

Soulmates is a touchy subject for me they seem to be the root of all my problems. I haven't met might mine yet and I'm not sure that I want to.

My soul marks are strange for one I have 6 and I can feel one more about to take form on my ankle. Professionals say that sometimes an additional soul mark will appear and that it's nothing to be worried about, but I can't help but be just that.

I'm not sure how everything will work out with my soulmates given that I have possibly 7. I mean who would want to share their soulmate especially between 6 other people.

Another thing that bothers me about soulmates is the ending of my parents relationship.  They were together although out high school and college, and they were happy until... my mom got in a car wreck on a rainy day Dad was driving and he swerved to avoid hitting an animal or something and the next thing he knows the car it smoking, the air bags went off, and my mom has blood coming out of her head. Long story short my dad walked away... she didn't.

When she passed it left  my dad alone and miserable. Not to mention me because I was just her daughter not her soulmate so I couldn't possibly be feeling her loss as much as my father, or at least that's what it felt like when everyone was consoling my father instead of me.

After the funereal my father started drinking and living like nothing mattered anymore- like I didn't matter. I just didn't seem to be enough for him. I wasn't his daughter any more no I was the burden that had to be taken cared of and fed.

From them on I  disliked the idea of having a soulmate. I hoped that I would never get a soul mark. I lived in fear for years hoping that the normal age to get your souls mark will just pass me by and I won't have to worry, but I had no such luck. When my 13th birthday came around I got my soul mark and I was devastated not only because I got one soul mark but because I got 6.

So I decided to hide them even if my marks don't make sense. I don't get how anyone can cherish the things that my marks are. Soul marks are meant to symbolize who your mates are and what they cherish the most in the world, but I have some random objects that are meant to symbolize my soulmates.

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