The Aftermath

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The following night was hard for me, but I thankfully wasn't alone. I stayed in a bedroom located somewhere unknown to me, but I didn't exactly care. Having Loki in my mind left me feeling drained and cold, so Natasha and Thor stayed by my side in bed all night. While the others made sure we had everything we needed, such as food, blankets, and pillows.

"Are you okay, baby?" Natasha asked while she played with my hair. I shook my head and continued to stare at the boring wall.

Thor took my hand and squeezed it in reassurance. "I'm sorry, Lady Ava." I looked at him a gave him a small smile, but I didn't say anything. I just looked back at the wall and stared at it blankly.

I didn't see it but Thor and Natasha exchanged worried looks with the rest of my soulmates who took up the rest of the room. There thankfully were two more beds and a couch in the room for them to sleep on.

After a while I slowly dosed into a restless sleep, and I suspect that the little sleep I did get was only because my soulmates were with me. I felt safe with all of them in the room all night. I could basically feel their presence even if only two of them were actually on the same bed as me, and so when Tony got up from his spot on the couch I knew instantly.

He shuffled around for a minute before he opened the door and left. I was already awake so I decided to get up and follow him. Since Thor and Natasha were sandwiching me in bed I had to very carefully get up as to not wake them, but somehow I managed. They must've been really worn out from the fight otherwise I bet they would've woken.

"Tony," I whispered when I finally got out of the room with the door being shut very carefully behind me. He was walking around the corner to the left of the room, and so I knew that if I had been a second later I wouldn't have known where he went.

He turned at the sound of my voice and held out his hand for me as he quietly asked, "what are you doing up?"

"I wasn't ever fully asleep, Tony. Where are you going?" I said when I caught up to him and was able to take his hand. He started walking again but this time he had me by his side.

"We are going to talk to a friend of mine. About the construction of stark towers."

"Is it bad?"

"It's pretty damaged, but it'll be fixed up in time for you to move in and get settled before the beginning of semester." I never said that I would move in but I was too tired to argue at the moment so I just moved his arm to rest around my shoulders and continued to follow his lead down the hallway until we stopped at a door.

Instead of knocking Tony opted to just barge in and sadly I was forced to go with him. I didn't like to enter an unfamiliar room uninvited. A man with an eye patch stood alone it the office it seemed as though he had just been looking out the giant window behind him before we came in.

"Tony," he said curtly before he focused on me, " and you brought Ms. Welters with you." I wondered how he knew my name but I decided against asking.

"I wanted to let you know that Ava will be under Shield's protection from now on." Tony said still holding my hand.

"What makes you think she wasn't already? The Avengers are apart of Shield and she is your mate, so of course she's under our protection. We also have a few ideas as to her powers."

"I said protection- and that's all she will get from Shield. She will not interact any more than what's needed with you." Tony said putting an arm out as if he needed to protect me right now from this man. I have no doubt that this man, Fury, has authority but he doesn't seem like a threat as of right now, so that makes me wonder why Tony seems so worried.

"That should be her decision don't you think, Tony?" Fury then looked to me for the first time. "Ms. Welters, it's good to finally meet you, though I wish it was under better circumstances. I am Director Fury."

I opened my mouth to speak but my throat was dry. my words got caught and I started hacking up my left lung at least that's what it felt like. There was a cup of water shoved into my face and I took it gratefully chugging it all. "What- what ideas do you have concerning my powers? You mentioned it earlier, but didn't say any details."

"You don't need their help, babe, you've got us." Tony said.

"Mr. Stark, limiting her choices won't help Ms. Welters. We believe that you are in need of training. The more time you spend using your powers the less negative effects they will have on your body. We can provide all the training-"

"And there it is- the catch. There is always something with you Fury. She doesn't need your help with her powers all she needs is your promise of protection in the future. Does she have that?"

"Stark, we can't protect everyone, but Ava is under our watch."

"That's all I needed." Tony took my hand and dragged me out of the office and back down the hallway. "You don't need his help, no matter what he says remember that."

"But what if he knows something that we don't?"

"Then we'll figure it out together." I squeezed his hand when he said that. I've never felt so protected and cared for in my late as I do when I'm with my soulmates but Tony just spoke what I've always wanted to here. I've always always wanted to know that someone would be there for me through hard times, and now I am finding out that I'll have six people by my side/ in my corner.

"Do we know what's going to happen to Loki?" I asked while Tony opened the door to the room we were spending the night. Before Tony could answer Peter attacked me with a hug.

"A! When we woke up and you weren't here we totally freaked, but then we noticed Tony wasn't here either. we figured you were together,  so we didn't worry too much afterwards."

"Good morning to you too,P" I said hugging him back. When we broke apart I made my way back to the bed where Natasha, Thor, and now Clint were all sitting and joined them. "Back to my question, what is going to happen to Loki? He is still you brother, Thor, and he was in Asgardian prison but that evidently didn't last."

"I don't think we should focus on Loki, that guys brain is a bag full of cats. You can smell crazy on him." Bruce said from his seat on the couch. He sent me a smile and I returned it weakly.

"Have care how you speak. As Lady Ava stated he his my brother."

"He killed 80 people in two days."  Natasha said placing her hand on top of mine. "Not to mention what he did to Ava."

"He's adopted."

"He can stay here in Shield's prison, Indefinitely." Clint says putting his hand on my knee. "He could use some time to cool off anyways."

I nod and fall back onto the bed. I was still so tired. Since I was unable to sleep last night and it's only 7 am. "Go to sleep Ava, we'll be here when you wake up." Natasha said and then I fell asleep not paying any attention to my worried soulmate's exchanging glances.

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