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After everything calmed down and the situation was explained to Thor we all migrated to the living room. Clint and Natasha even joined us, but we didn't have to explain anything to them since they already knew about the new developments regarding my powers.

All was peaceful and I was enjoying being with my mates, but of course that peace had to be interrupted. Tony's phone wouldn't stop ringing at first we tried to ignore it but I just kept ringing.

I watched Tony exasperatedly pick up his phone and look at the screen from my place between to him Thor and Peter. We had all somehow managed to squeeze onto the couch, but Bruce and Clint had to sit on the couch across from us.

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark. Please leave a message" Tony answered his phone in a rather rude way that made me chuckle. "spawn of satan you do know official consulting hours are between 8 and 5 every other Thursday?"

I give him a confused look but he just winks at me.

"What no we didn't kidnap her. Yes, she's fine. Alright alright I'll have her back at the hotel in and hour." Tony said still talking to who I've come to realize is my best friend only she could bully Tony Stark into doing what she wants him to do. "We have to go, Ariel, your demon friend has summoned you. She was pretty upset about you being gone for two days."

"You've got to stop calling her a demon." I said standing up from my position leaning against Clint's chest, and heading to the elevator.

"I'll take you to the hotel." Peter said jumping to his feet and rushing to my side.

"Hold on there kid you have finals tomorrow. It's late and you need to get home." Tony says stoping Peter and me from getting on the elevator.

"I'll take you, Ava." Clint said standing up and getting into the elevator pulling me behind him before anyone else could join us.

We were alone. I was alone with the one soulmate out of the seven that I haven't ever been alone with. He's also the most intimidating and mysterious out of them all. Which definitely doesn't help me.

The elevator took us down to the main floor which made us walk out onto Main Street. I don't know why we're not getting in a car but I don't mind the walk what I do mind is the awkward silence between us.

The silence lasted all the way to the hotel which is where we stoped. He faces me but I couldn't make myself look back at him instead I look down at our shoes. My ratty converse are contrasting very badly with his in style black tennis shoes.


He starts to say right when I say, "thank-"

We laugh at ourselves and I wait for him to start, "I'm sorry that we haven't had a chance to talk much."

"It's okay a lot is going on and I don't think it'll calm down anytime soon for us. I mean there's seven of you and one of me and there's the whole 'earth's mightiest hero's' thing you all have going on. I just don't know how-"

"Hey, we'll figure it out, okay? One day at a time." He says cutting off my rambling with a hand on my cheek and his arm wrapped around my waist. We're so close I can feel his breath on my face. "Ava... I've waited a long time for you- we all have- don't leave us because you're scared."

"I wasn't-" I started to object but he cut me off again.

"I can see it in your eyes you're scared, but it's okay to be scared you just can't let it take over your life. You need to trust us. We're your soulmates we will love a protect you until the end if you let us."

"Okay" I whisper still unsure but half way relieved at what he was saying. I just don't know if I'll be able to fully trust that they won't leave- that they won't die in some way leaving me just how my mother left my father.

What if I end up like him?

What if one of them die and I become bad for all the others who are still living?

I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if I let that happen. The only way to avoid that though is if I don't let them get too close now.

Clint's thumb rubbing circles on my cheek brings me out of the black hole that is my mind. "I've got to go, baby, I'll see you later okay?"

"Yeah okay thanks for walking me here." He plants an unexpected but welcome goodbye kiss on both my cheeks before saying that it was no problem and goodnight. Then he walks away leaving me to think more of my fears.

I turn to the hotel building and slowly enter making my way to the elevator with my head down low. When I get off I go straight to Emma and Blake's room and I don't bother knocking before I walk in and face plant down on the bed right next to the couple snuggled to one side peacefully watching a movie.

"Hey well isn't it our girl Avs where have you been exactly? Blake asks teasingly poking me. I let out a grunt into the bed but otherwise don't answer him.

"We missed you. You know we leave the day after tomorrow?" Emma says quietly obviously tired which is the only time she's ever quiet.

I turn my head to the side and make eye contact with Blake as Emma's eyes are already closed. "I know. I'm sorry we will hang out all tomorrow and I'll send you off in the morning the next day after breakfast to make up for it."

"Mmm sounds perfect, we love you Avs," Emma mumbles before finally falling asleep.

"I love you both too," I whisper before I fall asleep as well. Thinking of how much I'm going to have to tell them tomorrow. I still haven't decided if I'm telling them about my powers as I'm still afraid of them. But on the other hand I don't want to keep more secrets from them they already don't know much about my relationship with my father, and I really need some advice on how I'm going to handle the fact that I have soulmates and they are the Avengers.

Damn I'm going to miss my friends.

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