Girls night

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"Emma I know we don't need all of this food." I say pushing the cart the is filled with all the junk food that we could find.

Well all the food that Emma could find. I helped at first but now-now the cart is completely filled there is literally no more room for even a magazine.

"What are you talking about I even held back a little bit?"

"You meek to tell me that this- all of this is holding back?!?" I ask gesturing to the cart with food that is even filling up the bottom level. The one that is meant for dog food or big things.

"Uh yeah. We're definitely going to need all of this for tonight."

"Whatever you say, but if there are left overs it's not my responsibility to get rid of it all." I said as we started to load our grocery's on to the conveyer belt so we can pay.

After everything was rung up the balance came to $190.75. With a sigh I reach into my bag for my wallet but before I can get it out Natasha is handing over a black credit card.

"I could have gotten that you know?"

"I know, but I wanted to plus this is Tony's card." Natasha says with a smirk.

"How did you get a hold of that?"

"I might have pit pocketed him. it's fine though I do it all the time."

"Oh well in that case I'll be sure to tell him it's your fault that he is out 200 bucks."

"I think I can live with that. Tony isn't very intimidating."

"Alright lets go love birds we have lots to do and eat." Emma says snapping us out of our conversation.

"So What's first?" Natasha asks Emma after we have finally finished arranging everything in my hotel room to be the most comfortable.

We've moved the beds together, the tv closer to them, the couch going diagonally from the table that the tv is on and the end of the beds blocking off the rest of the room we even ordered extra blankets from the front desk which are spread out around our little area that we have created.

"Now we put on face masks and do our nails while we talk."

As we begin to put on our face masks Emma decides to be nosey and asks Natasha, "so what exactly is it like being the only girl avenger?"

"It's alright. I mean its not ideal but I'm not bothered by it. Plus I got this girl with me now." She answered putting her arm around my shoulders

"Aww thanks, but I'm not an avenger."

"I know darling but you are by heart."

"You two are cute together." Emma said cutting through our moment. "I remember how it was between me and Blake when we first met."

"Yeah you two wouldn't even stop kissing to breath it was like you were vacuuming up each other's faces."

"Classy as always Ava. Has she told you of the time she stuffed 6-"

I cut Emma off from finishing her embarrassing story about me from freshman year but putting my hand over her mouth. "Okay! Moving on Natasha, what did you do before joining the avengers?"

"Well I was an assassin in Russia Clint saved me, I guess you could say, and brought me back to shield to be an agent."

"That's so cool. Ava, you have a badass mate." Emma says

"Thank you? I think."

And just like that we were in full out girls night mode. we even had a mini pillow fight after watching 10 things I hate about you.

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