29-Rooftop kisses

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As Bruce and I kissed it began to get heated. I backed him up and made him have his back to the wall and my hands were on each of his cheeks. We continued for a few minutes and soon I moved on to his neck.

"We- we should." He said panting but he got cut off as I kissed his lips again with a cheeky half smile. He kissed me back for a moment then he pulled away. "We should go find the others they've been worried."

"They can wait a bit longer." I was tired of waiting. Tired of being scared and holding back. I wanted to get lost in someone's lips- in my soulmate's lips. So I connected our lips again and this time he didn't pull away.

Bruce backed me up this time till my back hit the empty lab table then I took a break from kissing and jumped to sit on the table. Then just  as quickly he was standing in between my legs with his hands on my thighs kissing me-devouring me. This is what I needed. I'm literally living my dream (making out with my soulmate.)

Slowing down now I pecked his lips a few more times then pulled away and smiled big at the goofy dazed look in his eyes. I did that.

"You're amazing," he whispered making me smile again and kiss him one last time.

"You're even more amazing. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life, my soulmate."

"I like the sound of that."

"I do too."

"But I need you to promise me something." He placed his hand on my cheek and brushed some hair out of my face while keeping eye contact, "stop running. I don't think my heart can take it. Hulk also can't take it if that helps."

"That doesn't help at all! Has he been extra on edge cause of me?"

"A little, but don't worry about it. He's been able to blow off some steam with hydra. We just found the scepter again."

"Oh, where was it?"

"In one of the many hydra bases." Natasha said entering the lab with Clint's arm wrapped around her shoulders. I gasped and went over to help him walk with his arm around my waist we made it to the table and helped him lay on top. Bruce rushed to get a scanner looking device and held it up to Clint's wound on his torso.

"It's Not too bad. I've had worse." Clint said holding my hand tightly as Bruce got to work setting up some kind of machine.

"Lay still." Natasha said sharply before turning to me. "You're back."

"Yeah," I said nervously avoiding her gaze. "Just in time right?"

"Right," she said kissing the side of my head.

"This machine that Dr. Cho gave me is literally creating tissue. If we were in her lab she'd be able to do this in 10 minutes."

"Oh he's flat lining, call it. Time?" Tony said coming into the lab with a drink carrier full of green smoothies.

"Oh No I'm gonna live forever. I'll be made of plastic."

"Your beverage." Tony gave Clint a smoothie and pulled me up from my crouched position next to Clint. "Didn't think I'd forget about you, Ariel." He winked at me and handed me a smoothie.

"Thanks," I said keeping eye contact as I put my mouth in the straw, and slowly drank from the cup.

"You're very welcome, Ariel." Tony said looking me up and down. Then he took my hand and led me out of the lab.

"So the scepter, we found that Strucker, the hydra base leader, used it to do human experimentation. To figure out how I've been analyzing the gem inside." He tapped on a projection computer screen and made an orange program looking sphere appear. "This is Jarvis. He runs more of the business than I do. Top of the line." Then he goes to the scepter and taps it making a bigger blue sphere appear.

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