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Japer POV

"I can't believe her, Jazzy! Throwing a fit like that....just ridiculous....I don't even know what to say...to think after everything we'd done for her and then Charlie just chucking us out without a moments hesitation" Ali fumed, turning up the notch of the car. 

"She is his daughter, Alice" I reminded her, gently, gazing out of the window.

Alice turned to glare at me, her eyes steel as coal. "Oh, so you're taking her side on this as well, we're going out of town for her, or did you forget that?" 

"I didn't, I'm just saying that Charlie was placed in a difficult position where he had to do either as his daughter wished or as his daughter's friends wished. Clearly his daughter won." I said, gently. I knew better than to anger Alice at the moment. 

"Hmph. It's still unfair" Alice huffed. 

"I know it is, pix but I would have done the same if I'd had to choose between you and Bella" I said. 

"Why do you always have to be so sensible" Alice complained lightly. 

I chuckled slightly. "Is this sensible?" I teased her, as I began to tickle her. 

"Stop stop stop, please" Alice begged, in peals of laughter.

"Is it?" I prompted. 

"No" she squealed "Now stop or I'm going to crash"

"How likely is it that you're going to crash?" I asked her, rasing an eyebrow.

"Unlikely but it is possible" she said with a smile, emphazing with the word possible.

"And then what? It's not like we'd die and we could pay for a new car" I pointed out. 

"Good point but then we'd be in the news and you'd have to go shopping with me to get new outfits for the pictures" she teased me. 

"Yeah, let's not crash, I don't wanna go shopping again" I joked.

"Not even with me?" she pouted, blinking lots. 

"Not even with you" I said, kissing her lips gently. "I'd much rather kiss you all day"

"Mmm, me too" she said against my lips. 

"Now watch the road, after all we don't want to crash" I joked.

Bella POV

"Hi Alice it's me, Bella" 

"Bella" Alice answered coldly. 

"Alice I'm so sorry honestly...I don't know what to say...I though you were leaving and....I panicked because I thought that you'd never come back. I thought you were going to do what he did" I rambled. 

"Bella, you can't keep using him as an excuse for your actions- you can't just have a childish fit to get your way!" Alice argued. 

"I know and I'm sorry"

"Are you really though?" Alice asked, harshly. 

'What?" I wispered.

Alice paused before repeating her question, a little less harshly this time. 

"Are you sorry, really? Cause you don't change Bella, I love you but..." she trailed off. "But you can't just treat everyone else in such a selfish way...."

I gasped. I didn't think Alice would say that- sure I had been acting a little harsh- but I hadn't meant to and it was hard for me. 

"Besides, you're going to fall in love again soon...so don't worry" Alice said casually. 

"What?" I spat out, shocked. 

"You heard me" she said calmly. 

"OMG no way! Really?" I rambled. 

I was thrilled, I wanted another chance at love and besides perhaps a new boyfriend would help me get over him. 

"Yes way, now Bella we have to go but we'll be back by thursday...ok?" she asked, in a slightly stern tone. 

"Yeah ok" I muttered sadly into the phone. 

"Love you, Bella, see you soon" Alice chirped and before I could even reply, she hanged up.

Odd, she seemed to be in a rush...I stared at the wall, wondering what I was going to do for the next  few days. Sighing, I stood up. I had to do more- be less miserable. I wondered about calling Angela and asking whether she wanted to meet up...but then she wouldn't understand how I felt. Suddenly, I knew who too talk too, I knew who would actually understand. Because really none of my friends did- they never asked how I was, never noticed when I was sad....sometimes I wondered how well they really knew me. But I knew that she would- even if we had only become friends recently. So, taking a deep breath, I picked up my old phone and scrolled down the contacts. Slowly, I pressed the ring button and waited patiently while it rang. After eight rings, she picked up. 

"Rosalie" I breathed into the phone.

Alice POV (just after hanging up on Bella)

"Alice?" Jasper asked me, hesitantly. 

I sighed and took a deep breath. "Yes?"

"Did you just tell her she was going to fall in love again soon?" Jasper asked, onfused. 

I simply nodded.

"But..." he began "did you see that in a vision....because you never told me"

"That's because I didn't see her falling in love again" I answered simply. 

Jasper looked at me in pure shock for a couple of seconds before he suddenly understood. 

"So you made it up...but why would you do that?"

I stared at him in shock and anger- how did he not understand?

"Because" I said, ice cold. "Because it is the only thing I can think off to make her cheer up" 

"By lying to her?" Jasper asked, clearly horrified. 

"If it makes her happier then yes" I said simply. 

"And what are you going to do when she asks you loads about it?"

"Just make stuff up" I said, plainly. 

"But you know she can see you!" Jasper argued. I gripped the steering while tighter. 

"For God's sake Jasper! I thought you'd understand but clearly you don't!" I shouted, frustrated. 

"Yes, you're right! I don't understand why you're lying to your best friend!" Jasper fumed. 

"You think you know me really well...but you don't- not one bit" I screamed. 

"Well why are you with me then?" Jasper asked. I winced a little-that comment hurt a little. 

"Your guess is  as good as mine" I snarled. 

I watched the hurt wash over his face and felt  a pang of guilt in me but decided to ignore it. Parking the car, I got out and slammed the door. 

"I'll walk" I growled. 

'Fine by me" Jasper snarled. 

I had a bad feeling as I walked away from the car into the shopping centre but chose to ignore it. Little did I know how much I would regret that later. 

Hello lovelies!

How are you all? I am pretty proud of this chapter!

What do you think of Alice lying and what is Rosalie and Bella's coversation gonna be like?

Thank you to all my new readers! And all my voters- ily. 

Comment & vote. 



p.s. the piece to the side/or above is Faure's requiem which I sang last week and OMG it is incredible, so give a listen to it (if you like classical music at all)...

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