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Hello lovelies,

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to update- I got back from my music course on sunday at 2 am and was really tired and this chapter kinda took me quite a while to write.

Now this kinda leaves on a bit of a cliff hanger- and i promise that the next chapter will definitely have lots of drama!

Thanks so much for 5K, can we get 6K by the end of April? And even more thanks to everyone commenting and voting- it really does mean a lot to me! You guys are so loyal- none of my friends are reading my story anymore so you guys are like really special to me as you are the only ones who can comment on my chapters! Also do you guys like Bella's character in this-cause one of my friends said that she comes across really selfish?


issy xxx

Rose POV

As we approached the Denali's house, I slowed down into a slow jog to run with Kate.

"Kate, what are we going to say to them?" I said as she slowed down too, into a gentle walk.

"I dunno" she said, her brows slightly creased together. "There's no easy way around it" she continued.

"Yeah" I sighed.

It had been two days since we found out that the volturi had taken Bella and we had done absolutely nothing about it. After discussing things with Alice and Jasper and visited our old house, we had set off to go home to tell the rest of the cullers and Denalis our news. I was curious to see how they would react- would any of them care? Emmett definitely would and so would Esme...but what about Carlisle? And most interestingly, how would Edward react?

Stopping before the front door, I knocked softly.

In less than a second, Carmen was pulling the door open with a huge grin on her face.

"Rose, my darling, Kate! Where on earth did you go?" she winked at us, as she embraced us warmly.

We had told Carmen, Emmett and Kate's fiancee- Garrett where we were going but no one else.

"How did it go?" Emmett murmured into my ear, as he wrapped me into a warm hug.

I smiled weakly at him and immediately his expression changed.

"Where on earth did you go?" Eleazer joked half seriously as he emerged from the kitchen.

"Well actually, we need to talk to you about exactly that" Kate spoke up, from Garrett's arms.

"Ok, family meeting then!" Eleazer announced.

In less than a couple of minutes, everybody was gathered in the sitting room.

"Alright what do you have to tell us?" Eleazer began.

I looked at Kate and took a deep breath.

"Okay so we went to go visit Bella" I began.

"What?!" Edward roared at me. "I told you to forgot about her!!!"

I glared at him. "Like I'm gonna forgot about my sister"

"Anyway" Kate continued. "She's gone"

Everybody turned to look at us, puzzled.

"Sorry?" Irina said confused.

"The Volturi took her"

"What? Please tell me you're joking" Esme choked out.

I shook my head sadly.

"Why's everyone so upset?" Edward barked out.

"How can you say that?" Garret turned to face Edward. "Her daughter is practically on her death bed and you're confused as to why she's upset!" he shook his head at Edward.

"You're awful"

I turned to face Carlisle. His expression was a mixture of guilt....and relief.

"Wait weren't Alice and Jasper looking after her?" Emmett interrupted.

"Well yeah they were" I paused awkwardly knowing that Emmett would- like me- be less than impressed with them. "But they left her for a couple of days to go out of town to sort some stuff out and they were returning when Bella went to go meet Kate and I before getting kidnapped" I explained.

"What?! They left her! For a couple of days! How stupid are they!" Emmett exclaimed.

"I still don't see why everyone is so fussed about this" Edward commented bored.

"Frankly, Edward if you want to be your usual selfish self about this then go ahead but can you just leave if you're going to be so stupid!" Kate exclaimed. "Cause I'm freaking fed up of you- I never even wanted you here anyway!"

"Fine, come on Tanya- let's go" he snarled.

Tanya glanced up at Edward. "Hang on honey, I'll be there in a minute- as soon as this conversation is finished"

Edward glared at her but left the room quickly.

"So what are we going to do about it"? Emmett asked.

"Nothing- we can't" I said sadly.

"What? How can you say that Rose?"

"What can we do Emmett? Just barge in and start a battle- we'll surely die...demand her back and promise we'll look after her even though we won't! Besides she wouldn't want us back and let's face it she'll be dead by now" I said choking on my last words.

"Don't say that Rose" Esme choked out.

"Why?" I sobbed. "We know it's true- what the volturi are just curious and going to send her back in a few days time....You know as well as I do that's shit!"

"Oh Rosie" Emmett sighed, pulling me into his arms.

For a couple of minutes, everyone sat in silence as they realised that Bella was gone-that we had lost our sister.

"How are Alice and Jasper?" Esme asked suddenly.

I smiled softly at her- of course she would be the one to ask about them.

"Good good, they miss you of course. They told me to send their love to to you and Emmett and all of the denalis" I said, making a particular point that they did not ask me to send their love to neither Edward or Carlisle.

Carlisle's expression turned sober and he glanced down at the floor.

"Well I think that we should discuss this with the volturi" Eleazer spoke up for the first time.

"Really?" I asked surprised. "Don't you think that might be a little dangerous?" I asked hesitantly.

"I was great friends with Aro for many years- he will welcome me, the volturi are not all bad you know- they were my family and I love them, they see me as a brother and naturally as any good family would" he paused to glare at Carlisle "they would not wish any suffering on me or any of my friends or family" Eleazer reasoned.

I nodded.

"Well then I think we should go!" Emmett announced.

"All of us?" Esme asked. "Shall we all go?"

"No...I think it is better if only some go...otherwise we will seem a threat...this is after all simply a friendly visit" Eleazer said hesitantly, as he watched Esme's reaction.

Esme simply nodded.

"Who's gonna go?" Garrett asked.

Carlisle looked up, curious as to who he would pick.

"I think Rose and Kate must go and therefor probably Garrett and Emmett so yes Rose, kate, Garrett, Emmett and myself shall go" he decided.

"And when do you guys leave?" Esme asked, her brows furrowing slightly.


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