Chapter 35- Holiday

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Warning: This chapter is all appropriate for any 12+. I personally think this chapter is appropriate for nearly everyone. But just as a heads up (so I have warned you), in chapter there is brief jokey mentions of:



They are quite literally just mentioned. Nothing more. 

Hope this doesn't bother anyone. 

Bella POV

I stared at the text message again. 

I had no idea whatsoever how to reply. Jasper had just texted me for the first time:

Hi Bella,

How are you? 

It's Jasper- I know you probably hate me at the moment but this is really important. Edward and Tanya have broken up. He's talking about how he still loves you. I think you have a chance now. Alice is acting really weird. I think she's been having some really weird visions. They are very vague, so she can't really tell me much about them. But I know that you are  the main focus in them and that the outcome is not good. Bella, I know you like the Volturi and understand if you want to stay. But do you still love Edward? I think you need to tell Alice once and for all, whether you love Edward and whether you want to come back for good ever? It's not fair on her, otherwise. She needs to move on too. Oh and why do Emmett and the others think that you're dead? Apparently, the volturi told them you were. So now Rosalie and everyone else thinks you're dead, other than myself, Alice and Edward. 

Best wishes,

Jasper xx

I have no idea whatsoever how to reply to his text. If Jasper was texting me, then I knew that it was important. But I didn't want to lead any of them on. And if I was being honest, I didn't want to lose any of them. I was worried that as soon as Alice found out that I didn't love Edward and wasn't going to return, she'd want nothing to do with me. I knew it was selfish. And not fair on her. Besides, how would I reply anyway? Oh hi Jasper: Yeah I don't like Edward and don't want to see you again, but texting is fine...that would be ridiculous. And then Alice would probably think that the Volturi were forcing me to do this and try to save me. And then they'd die and...

And how to explain the fact that the Volturi have lied to my family?

I shook the thoughts away. I was being silly. Alice liked me. She'd be fine with it. So after mulling over how to respond for a while, I finally decided that I had finished. I reread my text. 

Hi Jasper,

I am very well- thanks. I absolutely love it here in Volterra. 

How are you? 

I wanted to say that I am sorry for all of the problems I have caused. I have been very selfish with the way that I have been dealing with Alice and mine's friendship. To be honest, I'm worried that she will forget about me after what I have to say but she deserves to know where we stand. 

I am really sorry but I won't be coming back to live with you guys, anytime soon. I am really happy with the Volterra and I don't really feel like I belong in your family. More over, I know that all of your family don't want me there. 

About the whole Edward declaring his love for me. I'm sorry but I am completely over him. I know he is your brother and you want the best for him but I can't forgive him for what he did and besides I have moved on. I have a new boyfriend and we are serious. Edward and I are over. For good. I would appreciate if you could let him know- I don't want him to waste his time. 

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