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"I'm not leaving" Alice said strongly, looking Carlisle in the eye.

"Alice" I begged, willing her with my eyes.

"I'm sorry Jazz, but I can't do this to her and" she turned to Carlisle "I can't live with you or Edward. You are not the people I thought you were" she sobbed.

I sighed. I would never leave Alice and if she was really this upset then I needed to do this.

"Well, I'm not leaving alice" I said definitely. "I will just not associate with Bella. Not go to school, I'll stay at home and wait for Alice and perhaps when I have better control of my thirst I will be able to know her better" Alice looked at me, a small smile playing on her lip.

I came to her and wrapped my arms around her as she gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you" she murmured. "I see us all being great friends" I smiled at her.

"No!" exclaimed Carlisle. "I will not allow you to leave! You are a part of this family and should be supporting your brother not an ex-girlfriend!" I turned to Carlisle shocked but before I could say anything at all, Alice exclaimed

"Bella is not an ex she is a sister!"

"No she is not! She is not your sister!" Sneered Edward.

"Well she's more of a sister than you are a brother!" I exclaimed, defending Alice. Edward just looked at me, bored.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Emmett eye Rosalie warily and I suddenly understood why he was feeling so stuck, he was stuck on where to go. But I knew that at the end of the day, neither Rosalie of Emmett could live without each other so it was just a case of who would win in the end.

"So what?" Carlisle asked. "You're going to Stay where?" I looked at him, confused.

"Well here, in our home. You said yourself you had not decided what to do with the house..." I said.

Carlisle suddenly smirked and looked at me as he sneered:

"Well I am afraid you seem to have a little problem with your plan" I looked at Alice worried "this isn't your home if you choose to leave our family, so you can't stay here anymore since we only let those of our family stay". Shock radiated out all of my family members even from Edward. I couldn't believe this- who even was the man standing in front of me?

"Well, we'll buy a house then or make one" Alice answered.

"Where?" Carlisle asked. "You found a house then or a plot of land?"

Alice shook her head. "Or" I continued "we'll rent somewhere- there is a little house nearby For rent that I have seen" Alice shot me a thankful glance.

"Oh and how are you going to rent the house?" Carlisle asked, confidently.

"With money" Alice said, warily, trying to figure out where Carlisle was going with this.

"Oh and who's money? Certainly not ours! Because we're cancelling your credit card money!" I stared at him in plain shock and horror.

"Oh and who is 'we' Carlisle?" Esme said cooly, appearing. "Because it certainly isn't me. You know I would NEVER do that to any child of mine-no matter what they did."

For once, Carlisle said nothing.

"In fact, I would not even cancel a child of mine's credit card and leave them homeless if they had hurt my daughter and son, broke our family apart and even made me abandon my daughter" she said, watching Edward wince, "No, not even then would I cancel their credit child. And since Alice and Jasper have done nothing wrong apart from leave from an already broken family in order to support someone you, Carlisle, are leaving to be killed by the volturi. I do not understand why on earth you think I would cancel their credit cards and leave them homeless. You clearly do not know me very well, Carlisle"

For once, Carlisle had nothing to say. He stared at Esme shocked. I think he knew that he had crossed the line and that if he said anything else, he might well lose Esme.

"And so" Esme continued "here you are Alice" she handed her a key to Alice "and you jasper" she gave me a purse full of bank notes along with at least ten credit cards.

"Thank you" I said sincerely. "we owe you"

"Nosense" Esme scolded lightly "I only do what any good parent would" she said, eyeing Carlisle.

"Alright, then just the five of us will leave..." Carlisle said, coldly.

"Wait!" Emmett shouted. He grabbed Rose's hand and gave her a soft smile. "We're leaving too"

Rosalie POV

earlier that day

I gazed at the floor, refusing to meet his eyes. Emmett shifted uncomfortably in his seat, as he stared at his hands.

"Look Rosie, I don't want to leave you and..I want you to come with me" I looked at him.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked quietly, my voice cracking slightly.

Emmett took my small slender hand in his huge paw and I smiled. It was like the old days. I wondered whether a bit of separation would do our family good. But I really didn't want to leave my family.

"Well..." Emmett began slowly and hesitantly. I looked at him expectantly. "I started off thinking about the Volturi" he paused to gauge my reaction.

"The Volturi?! Have you absolutely lost it? You must be completely crazy?!" I hissed, furious. "Apart from anything, we're vegetarians!"

"But I decided not to as I knew you wouldn't like it" I sighed a breath of relief and my eyes softened a bit, Emmy had thought at least a bit of me.

"And I thought it would be better if we were with someone else..." I nodded quickly in agreement, impatiently. "and I thought it would be easier if perhaps we stayed with other family of ours, people we're already close to..." I looked up, suddenly curious to what he had decided.

"And I thought who are we closest to outside this family and of course Bella" and for once I didn't flinch at the sound of her name.

"Yes yes! so what did you decide?" I asked, impatiently.

"The denalis" Emmett said nervously, watching my face warily.

The denalis. We were going to go and live with the denalis. I mulled the idea over in my head. I had to admit, Emmett had made a good decision. The best he could.

"Rosie? Please say something" Emmett begged.

"Um..." I paused, not sure how to begin "Well, yes I'll come with you..."

"You will?" Emmett asked shocked and relieved.

"Of course. I would have come with you no matter what, you know that, I could never have left you" I told him, sincerely.

"But are you happy with my decision? Because I would not leave to go to the denalis if you did not want to..." Emmett explained.

"No, you have made the best decision you could. And you know that I love their family as much as I love this one- especially Kate- so of course, I am happy!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, now we just have to tell the others..." Emmett trailed off.

"Your job not mine" I grinned.

"No way, I came up with the idea!"

"Exactly, it's your idea so you break it to the others!'


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