Chapter 13- offended

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Jasper POV

"Jazzy, I'm back" Alice shouted, as she hung her unneccesary coat up on the coat hanger.

"I missed you" I said, kissing her softly on the cheek. "How did it go?"

"Oh my God Jazz, you should see her. She looks awful!" Alice said, uspet.

And to be honest- even though I find it hard to be around Bella because of her strong scent- I was worried about Bella. The worry radiating off Alice made it almost impossible not to be worried.

"What happened?" I asked, concerned, pulling Alice to the couch.

Alice sighed. "When I first came in, I honestly thought that I was having a nightmare- she looked....just awful. She has ridiculously dark circles under her eyes and she is so thin, Jazzy, like a skeleton! Her skin is unnaturally pale and her hair can't have been brushed once in the past weak. Her lips are pale and the sparkle in her eyes has gone completely. Her face is emotionless and she rarely smiles. Her eyes are red from crying and she looks like she is about to burst into tears all the time. She winces at the sound of just his name or any mention of him. She doesn't speak louder than a croak and sometimes I wonder if Charlie can even hear what she is saying! She looks as if she sees something nobody else does- her entire body will freeze at moments and her eyes will glaze over and she sometimes stays like that for minutes, not noticing anything around her and then she'll suddenly come out of it. She looks like she is from the dead. Honestly. I am really worried about her, Jazzy, I really am." she said, looking as if she was going to burst into tears.

"I don't know if she'll ever recover"

"She will, it will take time but she will" I reassured her.

"Anyway" she began again "I saw Bella and before I could say anymore than a 'hello', Charlie asked to speak with me. Of course, I agreed and we went into the living room to talk in private. He asked me about our family, what had happened to it, how come we were still in Forks, did I know where Edward had gone.....he asked me so much and honestly Jasper, that man doesn't miss a thing. But you know I tried to tell as much of the truth as possible, Charlie deserves the truth. He's a good guy and I like him. He said that we'd never have to be alone, we can stay there whenever we want- we can stay the weekends, we can eat with him" she smirked at me.

"Or eat him..." I joked.

"Jazzy!" she laughed. "But no he was really kind. Jazzy when Bella came to join us we talked a little when I relaized I ought to come back home to you. When I said that I was sorry but I had to leave but I'd be back tomorrow she started to freak out, like really freak out. She started crying and saying I'd never come back and then she started to beg me- literally beg me- not to leave. And so I said that I'd stay the night. But that I needed to come back and check with you and that I'd be back in an hour" she said glancing up at the clock. "If you want me here I won't go- of course I won't- I'm sorry Jazz, I felt completely stuck....and-"

"Relax, it's fine Alice" I ordered. "Of course I don't mind, I'll hunt this evening and I might visit my friend Jenks this evening. I can do bits and bobs anyway. You go and come back tomorrow morning because otherwise I'll have to come and chase you down!" I laughed at the end.

She grinned at me, kissing me passionately on the lips.

"I love you Ali" I mumured against her lips.

"I love you more"


She laughed and grinned. "Do we have a sleeping bag or something, cause I need to gather some normal sleepover bits so I look normal" she smirked at me.

"Alice you never were normal and besides you're idea of a sleepver isn't normal. In any case, everyone knows you're mad anyway" I laughed.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, waking me on the back of my head.

I laughed. "You know it's true" I teased.

"Do not" she answered back, stubbonly.




"Ha got you!" I exclaimed.

"Wait what? Hey no fair messing up with my emotions, Jazzy!" she complained, scowling at me.

"Okay let's actually look for stuff" I said, standing up.

We spent the next two minutes, getting everything we needed for the most normal sleepover- Alice could pull off at any rate. By the end, we had managed to fill two bags- I was really suprised by that amount of sleepover stuff we had like marshmallows and tents and sleeping bags and tinned food.... but then Alice would be Alice.

"Okay, I'm done, I need to leave anyway or I'll be late." Alice said, picking up her bags.

"You mean or you'll have to drive fifty miles over the speed limit, instead of thirty" I corrected, grinning at her.

"You're really annoying, actually, do you know that?" she said, grinning back at me.

"You may have mentioned it a few times..."

"Anyway I'm off" she said, as she opened the front door and started to walk towards her car.

"Wait, I'll drop you off" I shouted after her, closing the door behind me as I ran to meet her.

"You sure?" she asked, turning around to study my face.

"Of course" I said, opening the car door for her.

"My lady"

"Why thank you, old man" she said, smirking at me.

"Old?" I asked.

"Yep" she said, popping the p.

"I'm offended"

"So you should be" she said smirking.

"I would say I love you but I don't" I joked.

"Now I'm offended" she complained.

"Good" I replied smugly.


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