Chapter 29- dedication

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"Aro" Marcus hummed.

"Yes, my brother?" I said, with a soft smile.

"What are we going to say to them?"

Everyone knew who they were. Everyone knew who were coming. The cullens. Or some of them at least. 

I really hadn't seen the Cullens actually coming after us to see where Bella was- I thought they didn't care about her..

"We're going to tell them as little as possible but basically Bella is dead, ok?" I said, making sure everyone got the message.

Everyone nodded.

"How nearly here are they?" I asked Demetri, who had been keeping tabs on them.

"They'll be here in about two minutes"

I nodded.

"Remember- don't give anything away and we don't want a fight and think of something irrelevant in your minds" I glanced at Felix warily who grinned at me in response to the mention of a fight.

"Today we must end still friends with the Cullens- they cannot know that we know what happened with Edward and Bella, ok?" I asked, sternly.

Everyone nodded.

"Good" I hummed, content.

Everyone waited in silence. I began to wonder whether any of the Cullens had ever really cared about Bella. I wondered who would come and what they'd say. I just hoped it wasn't Edward- it would be harder with him as he could read minds.

A gentle knock of the door, brought me from my thoughts.

Everyone flittered to there places and Marcus, Caius and I took our seats in the three thrones.

"Come in" I said gently.

The door opened and in walked Sophia- our human secretary- followed by Rosalie, Emmett, Kate and Eleazer. I was surprised to see Eleazer there. What had he got to do with the Cullens?

"Eleazer?" I asked, surprised.

"Aro" Eleazer murmured with a small smile.

"My friend, it has been too long" I said as I came forward to hug him.

"It has" Eleazer agreed with me as he patted my back.

"May I ask why the surprise visit?" I asked innocently.

"You know the answer to that, Aro. Let's not pretend you don't know why we're here" Eleazer said coldly, as he pulled away from me.

I faked confusion.

"No, I'm sorry my friend you're going to have to explain. Give me your hand" I demanded.

Eleazer shied away from me for a few seconds. I raised my eyebrow at him. Sighing, Eleazer walked towards me and gave me his hand. I held it and was transformed into all of his thoughts.

"Eleazer, Edward loves Tanya! The Cullens are coming to live with us" Carmen had told him. 'Why are Alice and Jasper not here?' he had wondered when the rest of the Cullens had arrived- why did everybody hate each other so much and core hadn't Carlisle and Edward turned horrible. The news of Bella's kindapping. How heartbroken Esme and Emmett had been. The loss on Rosalie's and Kate's faces.The fear of the Voluturi. Had we killed her?

Dropping Eleazer's hand, I sighed.

"So the Cullens live with you now" I hummed.

"Apart from Jasper and Alice, yes" Kate murmured.

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