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Bella POV

It had only been a couple of days since I had arrived in Volterra but it feels like I've been here years. Everyone was so....welcoming and I didn't really understand why Edward feared and hated them so much. I had become a member of the guard and was being trained to stretch my shield onto other people so that I could protect them too. All of the guard were teaching me to do this- especially Caius and Demetri. I still didn't really like Felix- he was so scary and not particularly welcoming. Alec- the gorgeous boy- was very mysterious. He seemed to disappear all the time and was always making really bizarre comments.

I really missed Alice and Jasper and was still trying to convince Aro to let me call them. I knew they'd be really worried about me but Aro wasn't budging- he said it was too dangerous or that it was easier this way. The other person I missed was Emmett- I hadn't seen him in such a long time and really missed his cringe worthy jokes and booming laugh and infectious smile.

Jane was actually really nice and we'd become friends- I guess. She was really funny- in a sarcastic kind of me- and even though she wasn't particularly friendly, we got along well. She was my best friend here. I also really liked Heidi and Demetri- who was quite protective of me.

I still couldn't quite get over the fact that I was a vampire. It felt so normal- so right and I couldn't help but think how much better I was a vampire. I was confident. I was no longer the shy, clumsy, awkward Bella.

The other day, Aro had agreed to help me avoid Edward and Carlisle- I had told him how I really never wanted to see them again and he had told me that he understood and that it was fine. Aro was kind of like a Dad in that sense- he really cared about me.

The one thing I felt most guilty about was Charlie. I knew he was struggling- searching for me everywhere. We'd all seen it in the news. The entire of Forks were horrified- nothing happened in Forks and here: Chief's son wanders into the forest on the path and ten minutes later she has disappeared. No sign of where she has gone at all. I knew that Charlie must be worried out of his mind and I honestly felt awful about it. Aro did seem genuinely sorry about what had happened between me and Charlie. I knew that I could never call him again- let alone see him. How would I explain I had golden eyes? And that I had suddenly grown absolutely stunning? How would I explain my perfect, pale skin and bell like voice? I mean there's a limit to what plastic surgery can do! One thing I was particularly good at for a newborn vampire was controlling my thirst, which meant that as soon as I had mastered stretching my shield I'd be able to go on proper missions with the guard.

"Bella!" Heidi called, as she ran down the hall.

"Yeah?" I said, turning around.

"Aro wishes to speak with you"

"Now?" I asked puzzled. Aro had said that I could have the day off.

"Yes- he said it was important" she rushed out.

"Oh ok" I mumured, in confusion. Why did Aro want to speak with me?

I quickly made my way to the main room and knocked softly on the large oak doors.

"Come in, my dear child" Aro hummed.

At first, Aro's choice of old language had slightly weirded me out but I was used to it by now.

Pushing open the doors, I made my way into the room noticing that only Aro, Caius, Demetri, Alec and Felix were there.

"You wanted to speak to me?" I asked as I came towards Aro.

"Yes, my dear, sit" he said, gesturing towards a chair.

I sat and looked at him.

"We are expecting visitors" Aro started hesitantly.

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