They're all the same

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this is actually a really long chapter- there is just less speech than usual. 

To the side (if you're on a computer) or above (if you're on a phone) is a media attatchment. It's a piece called the Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams and it is absolutely brilliant. And I wrote this chapter, while listening to it on repeat. So, I really recommend you try listen to the piece at the same time as reading this chapter as I think it adds to this chapter. 

Love you guys so much,



Charlie POV

I sighed as I watched Alice and Japser head into Bella's bedroom. Our conversation had gone just awfully- I don't even know why. I had tried so hard, practised for hours perfecting exactly what I was going to say. And she had turned so quickly. And now I felt just rotten. I'd hurt her. She thought I was the same as him. As him. I would never be like him. I would never try to ship her off. Hell, it was killing me the idea of my only daughter being taken away from me again- I had already liked away from Bella for years- but it was killing me even more seeing her like this. She looked awful. Really awful. And the doctors were worried terribly. And I was, well, scared. Scared of what had happened to Bella. Where had the happy, beautiful, caring daughter I knew gone? She wouldn't eat, or talk. She would cry in her room for hours, throw stuff at the wall, make up from nightmares in the middle of the night. You couldn't blame me for thinking that perhaps she'd be better with a fresh start...I suppose she just didn't want to leave all her friends- or more specifically Alice and Japser. And while, I'd always liked and respected Alice and Jasper, to be honest I was wondering if they were helping. I loved Bella and just wanted what was better for her. I didn't know what to do. How to make her come back to to help her. She was slowly slipping away from us all and quite frankly I was helpless. Bella had so much potential- she was perfect and now she's broken and I hate him. I hate him more than anyone else in the world. I hate him more than I did when Renee left me, when she took Bella with her. Because at least then I knew that Bella was happy, that she was fine. Now I don't thinks she'll ever be fine. And it's all his fault. The attatchment they had- it was unnaturally strong, weird. But I assumed it was love at first sight. I'm not going to lie- I thought they were perfect for each other and well, quite frankly, I saw them being together forever. I guess I was wrong. And I knew that Bella would be upset if Edward left her. But not like this! Not so dead. I'd always dreaded the whole boyfriend thing, I had kinda always hoped that Renne would be responsible for all of that. The whole talk and you know the meeting the guy and putting up with all the lovey dovey kissing and ugh...but Renee wasn't here anymore and so it was down to me. All down to me. And I hated it. 

"Get out!" Bella screamed. 

I stood up immediately, running up the stairs. 

"Bella, wait!" Alice begged, desperate. 

"I said get out" Bella screamed, tears rolling down her cheeks as she threw a vase against the wall, glass shattering everywhere.  Jasper flinced and pulled Alice back immediately. 

"Bella, come on..." Alice begged her weakly. 

I made my way over to Bella- careful to avoid the glass- and picked her up, taking her away from the glass. As I sat on the bead, I pulled her onto my lap, and wrapped her tightly in my arms. 

"I said get out!" Bella cried, her voice cracking as she repeated the words in a hushed whisper to herself, as her gaze became unfocused. 

"Bella please don't do this!" Alice begged. 

It didn't go unnoticed by me that Jasper didn't say a word- but then he wasn't really one of many words.

"Leave! You're a liar! Just like he is! You're all the same you cullens!" Bella sobbed. 

Alice flinched. Bella obviously hit a sore spot, it was a bit harsh in my opinion but I couldn't really judge considering I had no idea what Alice had said to Bella. 

I don't want you here!" Bella cried, tears flowing from her eyes. 

Alice was about to protest some more when I decided it was time for me to step in. 

"You heard her, Alice. She wants you to leave" I said evenly. 

"But...Charlie?" Alice asked, shocked. 

"Listen, Alice I think it's best if you leave now. You're upsetting Bella and I don't want her upset." I said softly, sending her an apologetic look. 

"No this is actually just getting ridulous!" Alice argued. "I refuse to leave!"

"What?!" I gaped at her, shocked. 

"You said we were welcomed whenever in your house!" Alice fumed. 

"Yes I did. But if Bella wants you out, well she's my daughter so obviously you're going to have to leave". 

"Don't be so stupid about this, you're not a child anymore, Bella. You can't justhave a little tantrum to get your own way! It's not gonna work!" Alice fumed. 

I was horrified. Since when had Alice been so bitter. She was being plain horrid to Bella and I'd had enough with the cullens. They were all the same. Fooling you, wrapping you around their ice cold hands. Billy had been right all along. 

"Right that's it" I snapped. "I will not have you talking to Bella in that tone. I tried to be nice about this but you are forcing me to do this!" I stood up, placing Bella on the bed. 


Alice and Jasper stared at me shocked but quickly hurried out of the house and just a minute later, I heard their car start. I sighed and went to sit on the bed, pulling Bella onto my lap. 

Bella sniffed, pulling herself closer to me. I hugged her tightly and let the tears flow. I wouldn't let them hurt Bella. I couldn't believe them. I thought they cared about her. Honestly cared. Why wouldn't they leave when Bella asked them to? And what did they say to Bella that made her so upset? 

"Thanks Dad" Bella whispered. 

"Anytime, Bells" I mumured. 

"I'm sorry about this morning" she sniffed. 

"Don't worry about it Bella." I assured her. 

"No seriously sorry.' she apologized.

 We just sat in silence for a couple more minutes and I thought she had fallen asleep until she said so quietly I could barely even hear her. 

"Thanks Dad. For everything. I love you so much"

"Oh Bells" I cried, choking on my tears "I love you too so much, more than you'll ever know."

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