The volturi

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I'm on holiday!!! *screams with excitement* (but have to do loads of revision...)

I have a music audition tomorrow at 11:40 hence why I am posting slightly early!

Thanks so much for 4K! Can we get 5K by the end of easter holidays? xx

I am quite proud of this chapter tbh- u get an intro of the voluturi and alec and there is a little bit of fluff! Not much drama but lots is coming up!!!

Anway, you know I love it when you comment so please do. (@bobbysnow and @whitek are particularly incredible at doing this)

Also for @bobbysnow I have taken your suggestion into account and it will appear in 2 chapters time. 

Love you guys lots,



I screamed as the fire increased. Burning through my body. Pulsing through my veins. Slowly it burned upwards towards my throat, which was tired and worn out from screaming. I breathed a sigh of relief as I heard my heart beats become less frequent and weaker. This was it. Death. The peace of death. I've always loved the idea of death- escaping it all, the lulling numbness of it. Finally, I had it. As the burning dissapeared from my legs, then my arms and now everywhere other than my throat, I thanked God silently for my life and waited for death to take over. 

"Jane, my really are a miracle" an usually high pitched male voice laughed as they clapped their hands.

"Thank you master"

Master? How bizarre. Why could I hear voices anyway? I should be dead. Suddenly, all the memories came flooding back to me. I'd been in the meadow waiting for.....Rose! Yes! and Kate.....and then Jane had come! And she'd bit me....she'd changed me....but why? Slowly, I attempted to open my eyes. After seconds of battling I managed. I looked around. I lay on a stone cold marble floor. But it didn't bother me- the coldness that is. And I could see every cut...every shape....perfectly. Oh yeah, vampire. I looked up at a magnificantely high and beautiful cealing and then noticed that I was being stared at. Immediately, I growled and got into a crouch.

"Bella" a voice sang in an italian accent. 

I snarled and turned to glare and bare my teeth at the voice. 

The voice belonged to a man who looked very old. He had long white hair and crimson red eyes. He was tall and wore old, royal clothing. His skin was so white and looked like paper and he was sitting on a huge gold throne next to two other men who looked similar to him. One looked incredibly bored and the other looked slightly crazy to be honest. 

"How do you know my name?" I hissed at him, startled at how even when hissing my voice sounded like bells chiming- like Rosalie's.

He decided to ignore my question. "My name is Aro, my dear. Do you know who we are?"

I shook my head.

"We are the volturi"

I gasped, Edward had told me briefly about the volturi. They were the vampire royalty. I scoured the room to see how many vampires were there. I counted about thirty, including Jane. 

"My dear, you are most beautiful as a vampire" the old man continued, pointing at a mirror. 

I gasped at the woman in the mirror. She was beautiful. Her eyes were a burning red and her skin was snow pale. Her lips were full and red and her hair was long and brown. She was slender and every part of her was perfect. There was not one imperfection on her. Was that really me? I looked just- if not more- as beautiful than Esme and Alice and similar even to Rosalie's exceptional beauty. 

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