Prologue (recommended to read but not obligatory)

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Three years ago, I would never have even dreamt that I might be deciding the fate of Esme, a woman I had once considered a mother to me. I could never have imagined ordering her death. Yet now here I was deciding Esme's fate. Here I was deciding whether I wanted her alive or dead. Now I hated the woman who stood before me. I hated my second mother. And the only person I hated anymore in my entire life was her son.

Bella POV

"Alright, let's talk"

I looked back to the house, confused. Edward had said he wanted to go for a walk with me but we had barely even taken five steps. Charlie's house was still clearly in sight and we hadn't even gone of the main boardwalk.

"I thought you wanted to go on a walk..." I trailed off, puzzled.

"Yes, I did and we have" Edward said plainly.

Nobody said anything for a couple of minutes. I gazed awkwardly at the tree trump in front of me, avoiding his cold stare.

"Listen Edward, is something wrong?" I asked finally, my voice shaking slightly.

Edward looked at me. His expression blank and his eyes cold.

He had been acting really weirdly for a while now. Ever since, he had come back form visiting the Denalis in the school summer holidays he had been really acting really off....and distant. And after the whole scene at my birthday party, he had been practically been completely avoiding me. We hadn't spoken in nearly a whole week. I was beyond worried. I didn't know what I would do if Edward broke up with me.

"I'm leaving Forks Bella" Edward finally said.

Leaving? I repeated the word in my mind. Forks? Now? How? What was I going to tell Charlie....

"Now? Can't we wait a little- it would be easier to explain to Charlie" I asked hopefully.

"No Bella" he said slowly, as if speaking to a child. "You're not coming with me"

I stood there in shock do a couple of seconds until his words sunk in. They shocked me, they dug into me and my heart. But somewhere in the back of my mind a little voice said you're not suprised though, are you? And I couldn't disagree. I always knew it was too good to be true.

"But...But you said..." I trailed off, hopelessely.

"I know but I never meant it. You were just interesting for me, never the one. Bella you're human" he laughed "human. A frail little human. It would never have worked...come on you knew that!"

"No, no I didn't" I whispered, tears beginning to fall down my face. But Edward's expression didn't change at all. No signs of pity or regret touched his perfect face.

"When?" I choked out. "When did you realize?"

Had he been playing me all along? Did he always really know the truth?

Edward shot a pitying glance at me, but his eyes were empty, not like they used to be, full of love. Fake love.

"When we visited the denalis. Tanya is who I love. She is my mate, Bella. I should have relaized earlier." I shook my head, refusing to accept it even though I already believed it.

"But...but said" I argued weakly. I knew there was no point arguing but I couldn't stop myself.

"I know Bella and I am sorry but this is the end of us"

"Who else is leaving. Is it just you?" I whispered. Please say it is just him, please don't make his entire family be leaving to....please God, please.....I need someone...

"No, it is all of the family" he answered, coldly.

"Everyone?" I choked out.

He nodded.

Suddenly I understood why they hadn't been in school the last couple of days.

They hadn't been hunting at all.

"They've already left, haven't they?"

"Yes" Edward said shortly.

No, no. No I chanted over and over again, in my head.

"Please?" I whispered, not quite meeting his eyes. "Please give me just one more chance, please" I begged as tears rolled down my face.

"Good bye Bella" he murmured.


"Wait!" I called out desperately, scouring the forest for any sign of where he had gone. But he had left. He was long gone. I screamed with agony, tears steaming down my face as I collapsed to the ground, my legs giving way. Curling up into a ball, the throbbing began. Pain took over my body, and my head was pounding, my stomach was uneasy an suddenly heavy and churning. My heart felt like it has been broken into two parts.

I was broken.

And the only person who could fix me had left.

Left me alone.

I don't know how long I lay on the floor for. Just letting the pain wash over me.

Waiting to die.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around. I had no idea where I was and the sky was pitch black. I was freezing, hugging myself closer I slowly sat up and tried to get up. I clutched my stomach, in a pointless attempt to weaken the pain. It was killing me. I felty as if I had been stabbed a hundred times in my stomach. Looking around, I began to walk forwards hoping that that was the right way home. I could see nothing, purple and black spots covered my eyes and I felt drunk. The unbearable pain was slowly killing me and I begged for sleep or death to take over me. I stumbled further and further into darkness, lost and confused.

It must have been at least an hour before I saw it. A light.

A voice called my name.

As I neared the light, the voice became clearer- and I relaized it was Charlie's.

I tried to reply but I couldn't.

Nothing came out of my mouth as I tried to shout back. I quickened my pace, deciding that Charlie would know where he is and I could go with him.

Suddenly, I saw a figure. Fear pulsed through my veins. The figure began to come towards me. My breath hitched. I began to run- and stumble- away. As fast as I could. I kept my eyes on my feet and in front of me- I couldn't afford to fall.

I ran straight for at least fifteen minutes before the footsteps behind me slowed down.

Glancing up, I relaized that I had reached their house. The House which was my second home, where I thought I would be spending the rest of my life. Now it was empty. Empty. And I hated it. Hated it for the memories it brought me. Hated it.

Screaming in agony, I pulled open the door, desperately wishing that Alice would emerge and pull me into a hug.

Hoping Emmett would bounce out sprouting rubbish.

But as I tore my way through the house, looking for any sign whatsoever of the Cullens, I realised it was pointless.

Nobody had waited for me.

Nobody. not even Emmett who I had considered my brother.

Or Alice. A strangled sob made its may up my throat, as I remembered my best friend. Esme, Carlisle, Jasper even Rosalie, I missed them all. Had none of them wanted to say goodbye? No, of course not, I answered myself. After all, I was just a human. Just Bella Swan. A worthless human. Realization hitting me, I trudged back into the darkness, lost, tears stinging my eyes.

How was I ever going to get over this?

My second family were gone.

Gone forever.

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