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Hello darlings,

1560 words!!! (not including my intro) Super long!

Really proud of this chapter.

Now I know some of you might be dissapointed by what Jalice (I just love that ship name) told Bella but don't worry there's a huge shock coming up in the next two chapters...I mean proper huge!

Also, I'm editing the beginning of this story quite a lot- putting chapters together to make them longer etc. you certainly don't need to reread it- I'm just telling you so that you know. Next chapter will hopefully be up fairly promptly.

Anways enjoy this chapter,

vote and comment, you know it means an awful lot.

Love you guys so much,



Charlie POV

"Bella?" I mumured, looking at her frail body lying on the bed.

No reply.

"Bella?" I asked quietly again, shaking her slightly.

"Go away" I heard her mumble quietly as she hid under her white duvet. I snickered.

"Sorry, Bells, but it's time to get up" I chuckled.

She groaned and rolled over, ignoring me.


"No, it's far too early to get up" she mumbled.

I glanced at her purple alarm clock which read 1:44 pm.

"It's 1:44" I laughed.

"In the morning?" she asked, hopefully.

"Do you think I'd wake you up at 1:44 in the morning Bells?" I chuckled.

"Yes" she muttered under her breath, smiling slightly to herself.

"Uh huh" I laughed. "Right, stop distracting me lazy and get out of bed!"

"What's with the rush?" she asked.

"I want to talk to you and besides we supposed to be going to the doctors today" I said calmly, gauging her reaction.

Bella's expression immediately sombred.

"Again?" Bella asked. "We only went a week ago!" she complained.

"Yes, but the doctor wants to see you weakly" I said softly. "Besides, don't you want to go there?"

"Really? Why would I want to get to the doctor's?" she asked, slightly amused.

"To get better" I said simply. "And we know you love hospitals- you're not fooling me young lady! You only fall over so much so that you can see that dashing Mr Rinesale!" I added, not wanting to upset her.

Mr Rinesale was possibly the most boring man in the world and his looks well I guess it was fair to say that his advantages lay in other departments. Quite frankly he looked like a blown up rasberry- he was always bright pink and was massive. Not to mention all of the grey hair on his head and to add to the list he was a completely stuck up. Not my type, at all.

She laughed. "Oh yes, Mr Rinesale...I do like older men you know!"

Then she cringed slightly as if she had remembered something unpleasant. But I didn't know why because the only guy she had ever liked was Edward and he was definitely only 18. Unless there was someone else...

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