Chapter 2- Decisions

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Charlie POV

"Hey, Bells" I called as I opened the door. "Sorry I'm home late, something came up at work and I had to stay" I called as I hung my coat up.

No reply. Odd, because the lights were on.

"Bella?" I asked. Still, there was no reply.

Maybe she'd gone to the supermarket and left a note in the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen, flicking the lights on. Walking towards the fridge, I spotted a note on the faintly painted yellow counter. Picking it up, I read it:

Gone for a walk with Edwards in the woods.
Should be back by Six,

I glanced up at the clock, it read half eight. Worry seized me, Edward had never been one to keep Bella past six and she would have rung if she was going to be longer.

I walked over to the phone to check for messages. There was only one from Renee.

I quickly grabbed my coat and phone and headed out into the dark woods.

"Bella?" I called out desperately, as I fumbled my way through bushes, cursing as I fell over and cut myself.

Twenty minutes later

"Bella?" I called out weakly, my voice hoarse from calling for so long.

I had no idea what to do. I could hardly call the police when that was me. Sighing, I took out my phone. I couldn't stay here much longer. It wasn't safe and I was never going to find Bella. Perhaps Billy could help me. He could bring the boys and it would be quicker. It was a lot to ask for at this time of night but I had helped billy many a time. He would do this for me.

I began to dial the number. Glancing up, I saw a figure running toward me, tears streaming down their face. As the figure neared, it became more defined and a sob escaped my lips as I realised it was Bella.

"Bella?" I croaked."Bella baby?"

She stopped in her tracks as she spotted me. Gasping and sobbing she ran into my arms. I held her for a couple of minutes just relieved to have found her.

"Bella! What happened?" I asked after a couple more minutes.

But there was no reply. Glancing down at her, I realised she had fallen asleep. I scooped her into my arms, and slowly made my way back. Half an hour later, I reached the door to our house. Pulling out the key from my pocket, I headed into our house and carefully carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom. I laid her down on her bed and kissed her softly on the head, murmuring "I love you". Closing the door behind me, I break into tears. I am going to kill whoever put Bella in this pain. Whoever left Bella in this kind of condition?

Suddenly, I remembered the note. Where was Edward? Surely he would not have left Bella in such a state and not alone in the forest. Was he lost as well?
But he couldn't be. Bella would not have left him behind. She loved him too much for that. So he must have left her, otherwise they would be together. Edward leave Bella? I was shocked, but I had a feeling that I had hit the nail on the head. Edward had put Bella in this pain. I was sure of it.

A couple of hour later....

"No!!!!" a agonized filled scream woke me from my sleep. I stumbled, sleepily to Bella's bedroom, rushing to get to her.

Running into her room, I was shocked to see that there was no one in Bella's room and that she was asleep.

"Bella" I said as I shook her over and over again, desperately trying to wake her up. Finally, Bella snapped her eyes open and looked at me.

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