Jasper's tasks part 2

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Jasper POV

I'd never really given much thought to what would happen if our family split up. Simply because I had assumed it would just never happen. So I was hardly prepared for what was going to happen. While I didn't have the most open ways of showing my emotions, they were still very much there. Which was why, I was sitting opposite Mr Greene- headteacher of Forks high school. I had been doing jobs all evening and had already hired somebody to start decorating the house which I had bought- I knew that Alice would want to do it but I wanted it to be a suprise- well as much of a suprise as it could be...

"I thought that your family had left town, Mr Whitlock..." Mr Greene trailed off, puzzled.

"They have" I said shortly. I was going to make this hard for, he would ask a question and I would give the answer but no more detail than necessary. It was easier that way. It was never easy lying, especially in circumstances like this. I knew that people would be confused to say the least as to why the simple fact that we were moving out of town for Carlisle's job had caused me and Alice to be so upset for us to leave the family and stay here.

"Forgive me for prying, Mr Whitlock, but it is necessary for the school"

And for your gossip sessions I added mentally.

"I understand" I said simply.

"Who are your new guardians while you are in Forks?" Mr Greene asked, beginning to type into his computer.

"We don't have any."

"What?" Mr Greene asked, looking up startled.

"We are eighteen, Mr Greene" I reminded him, smirking. "We can live on our own from the age of sixteen. And I assure you I am well, well over sixteen."

Mr Greene nodded. "Are you and Alice going to be living together alone then?"

"Would that be a problem?" I asked, confused.

"Just answer the question please, Mr Whitlock" Mr Greene ordered me.

"Fine. Then yes we will be."

"Hmm...I am not sure about that. You see while the fact that you are living apart from your family is not a problem, the fact that you are living with a fellow student....well that could be" Mr Greene mused.

"Forgive me if I sound rude, Mr Greene" I paused. "But I am afraid I don't understand how this could this be a problem..." I asked confused.

Mr Greene hezitated, searching for the right words to explain. I sent a wave of calmness over himin an attempt to clam him down so he could explain and so that I could get the hell out of here.

"Listen Mr Whitlock while there is no law against it, we are hesistant to have pupils living alone with each other, mostly because of the pressures it puts on pupils being in such a serious relationship" Mr Greene explained.

"I understand Mr Greene but as you say there is no law against it and I can assure you that we will mantain perfect grades. If we do not, you can expel us."

Mr Greene nodded thoughtfully.

"Alright, are you planning on maintaining any contact with Mr and Mrs Cullen and you're adopted sibling?"

"No" I answered coldly.

Mr Greene looked up surpised but managed to maintain a poker face. "Alright then yes you may keep your current places at Forks high school. Therefore, since it will be as if you never left, you start on monday. I assume you won't need a guide or map..." Mr Greene trailed off, with a smirk.

"I imagine not, sir. Thank you" I said gratefully.

"Not at all, Mr Whitlock, it is my pleasure" Mr Greene said sincerely.


I carefully parked my black car next to Charlie's police car and Bella's truck, careful not to scratch it against the walls. Turning the engine off, I took a deep breath and got out of the car. As I approached the door, I could hear Alice's normally hyper voice, talking in a hushed whisper. I paused. I hoped I wasn't going to be interrupting some terribly important conversation, but I couldn't stay here all day. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I quickly texted Alice telling her I was outside and asking her whether I should come inside. I got no repsonse. Sighing, I decided to just hope for the best and knock. I was just about to ring the bell when the door was flung open.

"You going to stand there all day son or are you gonna come inside?" Charlie laughed.

"No, sir. Sorry sir" I apologized immediately, I wanted to get along with Charlie.

"It's Charlie to you and I was only joking" Charlie said lightly.

Charlie moved to one side, to allow me through the door into the small hallway.

"You a lovely house, Si-Charlie" I corrected myself.

Charlie snorted. "Lovely?! Perhaps..." he smirked.

I looked at Charlie curiously. He was different from other humans, not just looking for compliment after compliment and always banging on about himself. It made it harder for me to know what to say to him. So I smiled.

"Jazzy!" Alice exclaimed, running up to me and wrapping me in a tight hug.

Charlie looked uncomfortable, to say the least.

"Jeez, it's only been a day. You would think it'd been at least a month" Charlie muttered.

I smirked.

"How's Bella?" I asked politely.

Charlie's expression immediately went sober and I regreted brigning it up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude" I apologized.

"No, no. You're not being rude at all- just looking our for a friend, I understand" Charlie said with a sad smile.


I spun around to face a exhausted Bella.

"Charlie? Is something wrong?" Bella croaked out, concerned.

Yes! I wanted to scream. We're worried about you! But I said nothing.

"No nothing, don't worry Bells" Charlie said with a weak smile. "Jasper's here to collect Alice" he continued.

"And to say hi to you" I added. I didn't want Bella to think I didn't care about her.

Bella smiled- well I assumed it was a smile...it didn't really look like one.

"We must be off" Alice exclaimed, breaking the silence "Bye Bella, I'll call you" she promised, wrapping Bella in a tight hug.

"Please come back" Bella begged desperately.

"Of course I will, silly, I'd never leave my best friend...besides where would I go?" Alice joked.

"Thank you Jasper" Bella said, turning to face me. I nodded and smiled.

"My pleasure" I replied easily.

Charlie opened the door for us to leave and watched us drive off. I had a feeling that these next couple of days were going to be eventful- to say the least.

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