Chapter 38- Queen Isabella part 2

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Bella POV

"Yes, its true! Alright, well thank you so much" I smiled at the fifty-third coven to meet me. I had also smiled and nodded my way through numerous individuals and couples.

One thing about me, that changed when I became a vampire, is that I became a lot more confident, more social. I don't know when I changed, really, or why. What it because I became a vampire? Did that make me more confident? Or is it being surrounded by people who love and encourage me?

"You're doing amazingly, Bella" Aro complimented me, in a hushed whisper.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"Jack? What a lovely surprise!" Aro exclaimed in his over theatrical voice, as a tall dark man walked up to us.

"I couldn't miss an event this big- you know" the man turned to face me "it's not everyday that someone turns queen or king in the Volturi"

"I know I am incredibly honoured"

"Oh there's no need for those kind of formalities with me," Jack laughed.

I smiled.

"So your name is Isabella?" Jack asked.

"Yes" I smiled "but you can call me Bella"

"Ok, Bella so tell me about yourself"

Esme POV

I glanced around. Nobody had recognised us yet. I blew a sigh of relief. I couldn't believe that Carlisle had actually decided to drag us all here.

This was possibly one of the dimmest ideas any of us had ever had. When the Volturi find us, there is no question of our futures. They'll kill us. Besides, Bella is dead and this is just providing false hope for my children.

And Carsile....he's not even coming for Bella! He is coming to see Aro! Why today? Why couldn't we visit him tomorrow instead?

"All right Jack well thank you for coming" Aro exclaimed as he hugged him.

There as only one couple before us now.

"Edward, can we go?" Tanya asked Edward cautiously.

He ignored her.

I pitied that poor girl. Tanya was absolutely lovely- selfless, sweet, kind....and she was hopelessly in love with Edward. And even though he was absolutely horrible to her she stuck with him because she thought he was her mate and didn't want to be alone forever.

Of course, everyone knew that Bella was Edwards mate.

"Edward?" Tanya asked again.

"We're staying" Edward answered curtly.

"I'm gonna go wander around" Tanya announced.

I nodded. "Alright darling don't be too long, I imagine we'll be leaving quite soon.

Tanya smiled weakly at me before disappearing into a crowd of people.

At this point, Felix- I think- walked up onto the stage and took the mic belonging to a Vampire who i didn't know anything about other than that he was a really good DJ.

"Alright everyone I've been preparing myself for this moment for two hundred years now, so be nice alright?"

Everybody laughed.

Felix put his headphones on- not that he really needed to protect his ears- and put on worth it.

Bella POV

"Aro please can I have a break for four minutes" I pleaded as I heard worth it come on.

Aro paused, "alright then".

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