Don't insult my family

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Requested by @Elda108. Enjoy!

Peter generally liked biology. The teacher was strict, but if you followed the rules he wasn't mean. His lessons were often very interesting. But not today. Today he was lecturing the class about stuff that Peter had known long before he had met the friend of his adoptive parents – Bruce. So while the teacher was going on, the boy allowed his thoughts to wander in the forest of spiderman and work with dad and Bruce, helping the company and training with pops. Suddenly he was torn out of his thought by a sharp, loud and annoying sound unluckily coming from his backpack.

Mr. Matteson stopped talking and turned his head as a snake turns its head when it hears a mouse in the distance. Peter knew very well that one of the classroom's 10 rules, which were written on the wall said that all phones must be turned off during the class.

"Mr. Parker, would you mind turning the phone to speaker?" the teacher asked expressively.

The boy felt blood rush to his cheeks as he unzipped the back, who had chosen this moment to be stuck and took the phone out. His prayer's to god for the caller not to be dad were met with indifference. Flash was already smirking way too wide.

He slid the button to answer a call: "Hello, Mr. Stark!" the boy hoped, that Tony would understand the hint that his phone was on speaker and play along.

"Pete, I thought we had gotten over this phase. I'm 'dad' now, for a year, don't ruin the streak." The voice was fake offended as Peter cursed all the gods, "anyway's Fury called us on a mission, it won't take long, you can spend the day with Bruce."

Well, the damage was done. His classmates and his teacher were both staring at him blankly, there wasn't anything he could do for them to un-hear this, so he continued normally. It couldn't get worse anyways: "Alright, I'm in class now, so gotta go!"

Tony and Steve were in the room and Friday was playing the call loudly, so they could hear while changing into their suits: "Bye, Pete!" Steve called.

If it would have been for the loud playing of the call the two men would have never heard a disdainful voice: "Penis has two dads no matter he's such a freak!"

At that moment they both kind of sort of forgot about the mission. Tony without asking lifted his husband into his hands – bridal style and shot out of the window. The action had shocked Steve quite a bit, and he automatically grabbed onto Tony's shoulders not to fall while flying above small sky-scrapers. The other smirked a bit, but not too much since he was quite furious at the moment. Steve looked down a bit embarrassed by his actions.

One of them appearing could cause some attention, but today Iron man and Captain America rushed into a school at full speed looking angry. People connected their way with stares and prayers for however had angered them.

Peter was okey with Flash calling him names and beating him up, but he, however, thought it was totally unacceptable for somebody to insult his family. For two minutes he stood there. The screen of the phone in his hands breaking slowly. To others, it might have looked like he was trying not to cry while in reality, he was exercising self-control while not beating Flash up until he could no longer get up ever.

That's when Tony and Steve rushed in: "Who here is Eugene Thompson?" Tony, who had asked Friday to match the voice from the phone call to a person, yelled making even the teacher shiver. Flash's smirk quickly disappeared.

Steve rushed over: "Peter, are you alright?"

The boy was brought out of a self-fight. He turned to face his pops with a sweet smile as always, just this time it was hiding a controlled blood-lust: "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Is this the first time, when Eugene calls you names?" Steve asked with worry.

Peter didn't answer – he knew there was no point in lying, but he didn't want to tell the truth either. His Dad understood, however.

"Why are you letting somebody bully my son?" Tony turned to the teacher who wasn't all that confident anymore.

"H – his family makes generous donations to our school," Mr. Matteson gulped.

"I'll make some very generous donations to my 32 lawyers after I punch a minor in the face!" Tony was breathing heavily.

"That won't be necessary," the anger Peter had felt somehow turned his voice cold, "Can't you see? He does this only because his family doesn't pay any attention to him, the poor soul needs to get it somewhere else. Doesn't it? And why me? It's simple. He can never live up to any of the expectations his parents had placed on him. His grades are the third to lowest in my class. Not to brag, but I think I'm living up to everybody's expectations perfectly and exceeding them every day. His small brain can't wrap its mind around how can a poor nobody succeed and the only way to deal with this is to try and get me down. But, dad, pops you don't have to worry, I would never let a nobody like him tell me who I am."

At the end of his monologue everybody was staring at him intensely, remind you, this was the boy who never spoke up and always was sweet. Even his parents were shocked a bit.

Steve looked proud, this was the right way to deal with bullies, Tony calmed down a bit, and when he spoke his tone matched the one of his son's: "If you ever dare to insult a member of my family again, I will personally make sure that your family has even less time to spend with you, since they will be dealing with all the lawsuits I'll give them and that you never meet their expectations since you won't get into any colleges."

Steve also matched the tone, when he turned to the teacher: "Please let the rest of the staff know, that if anything happens to my son again I will personally make sure it hurts you twice as much. And I think I will get away with it since as I just found out, my husband has 32 lawyers."

Let's just say that nobody bullied him afterward.

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