Too late

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I wrote this on my phone so there might be mistakes.

"I lost the kid."
Tony's face was filled with memories never to be relived. Days of starvation had sunk his cheeks. Days of nothing to do but to blame himself had made his mind numb. Numb, but loud. Numb to any thoughts of a better tomorrow, a better future. Loud - filled with his kids last words, his fear of what would come. The kid he had grown to care for, to adore disappearing into dust. And Tony himself not being able to do anything but grab on to the dust that remained. Only memories remained and even the brightest ones turned dark, shadowed by the sorrow.
He was angry at himself so he took it out on Steve, trying to convince himself that it was the man's fault not his own. Tony locked himself in his lab. But no matter how loud he played the music, no matter how loud he screamed to it, his thoughts wouldn't go silent. No matter how much he drank he couldn’t suffocate nor drown them. And no matter how tired he was his sleep was restless, full of nightmares of recent and years old events. No matter how hard he tried to escape the memories they were surrounding him like a pack of hungry wolves. In every part of the tower were laughs and giggles. From the time they had tried to play tag - the man in his suit and Peter swinging and sticking to walls. In result breaking quite a lot of expensive pieces of art and technology. And hundreds of times like that one.
So Tony drove away to a cabin in the woods which he had owned for years but been in only twice. He tried to run away from the memories, but they followed him still. With no one around to disturb the man from his thought he sunk deeper and deeper until he hit the bottom of another bottle and the bottom of the sea inside his head filled whit monstrous creatures conjured from guilt and sorrow.

Since Tony had returned he had shut Pepper out, locked himself out from the rest of the world. But 2 years had passed and the woman thought that maybe the man would have moved on even if there were no news from him.
"Friday, where is Tony?"
"Mr. Stark is currently located in one of his properties in Fairburn, Georgia."
She decided to go see him and maybe try to persuade the man to resume his life. It was a 3 hour flight scheduled for Sunday. Pepper recognized the place  from one of Tony's earlier purchases, her cheeks rose up a bit. She knocked on the door but no one answered, again there was no answer. Finally she tried to open the door herself and surprisingly it gave in easily.
She, however, was not ready to see the inside of the house. Unlike the nice front yard the inside was littered with trash, mostly bottles of different colours, shapes and sizes. On the walls brown stains showed how some of the bottles were broken. Moving through what seemed to be a years old drinking spot for drunks in high heals the woman passed the kitchen which may had had a nice interior some day but now was covered in broken dishes and dust so much of it that it looked like nobody had been there for months. Next she saw the lab which seemed less dusty than the kitchen, yet still trashed with bottles and flooded with different gadgets on which the man had given up on without finishing.
The worst sight was waiting in the bathroom. It was stained in vomit and the ground had taken a dark red colour. With horror she turned her head to the shower.

Shiny tears fell to the ground, in Peter's vision was only a green blur. When he had come back from the soul world the whole of the fight he had spent looking for Tony and after the fight was won he still looked.
'He's dead'
'I'm sorry, but Tony Stark committed suicide 3 years ago'
The kid wished that he would of stayed that way he could at least meet the man who had become his dad.

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