9. Request

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Shriya shut her laptop loudly to control her chain of thoughts. She headed to her house. As she entered she found her sister and smiled with a frown on her face. Faking a smile and being robotic has become very normal to Shriya in the past two years. She smiles and acts as if everything is beyond perfect in her life but her eyes often tell a different story all together. In the last two years she has never mentioned about Raghav or her children to anyone. It has been more than one year since she held her babies.

Vaishnavi started speaking "Sweeta! I have updated our portal website regarding our new schemes and services and tomorrow you will have to go to Chennai for a meeting". Shriya nodded and headed to her mother's room.

Revathi Shetty sat on the bed reading a book when Shriya entered and questioned "Amma! Did you have your dinner"? Revathi gave her a tired look and said "How could I eat without you". They were both served food when Revathi hesitantly questioned Shriya "How many days will you stay away from your kids Sweety? Why are you being adamant? They are too young to live without a mother".

Shriya let out a sigh and said in a stern voice "Do you think I love doing it amma? I am not enjoying here. He asked me to get out and I do have self respect" all the while not meeting an eye with her mother. Revathi stood up and said "What self respect Sweety? At the cost of loosing everything. You are at loss here Shriyu. He is having all the kids and he is right in the society. You are being potrayed as insensitive and wrong. He is enjoying everything and you are working like a robot day and night to fight lonliness".

Shriya snapped "Amma! Can you please leave this topic". Revathi replied "How many times will you shut me up Shriyu? There is a limit. You either decide to patch up with Raghav or give him divorce and fight for the custody. It has been two years Shriyu. Take a decision quickly! I dont want you to be struck and alone".

Shriya found no point in discussing and left the room. She quickly dialed Serah's number after two years but her call was rejected. Memories of the past flashed Shriya as she waited for Serah to call.


2 years ago,


Shriya was sitting on her bed with her fully grown tummy eating mango. Arihaan was placing his ear on her tummy as he wanted to listen to his siblings replying to his questions. Arihaan asked again "Is it dark inside guys? Are you scared?" He placed his ear again and Shriya replied "Duggu! They can't talk to you directly. They can only answer through me" and continued eating. Arihaan began speaking "Amma! I don't want to go to India. I have all my friends here. I want to introduce my sisters to them".

Shriya replied "You are just like your dad Duggu! We just know we are going to bring two babies home but how can you say it is going to be sisters". "Amma! nanna told me and I am sure nanna won't lie to me". Shriya smiled at her boy. She was proud that he has accepted them as his parents. Meanwhile Raghav who was tired after a hectic day entered the room to find his heavily pregnant wife and son adorably chatting. He sat beside Shriya placing his hand on her shoulder and looking at Arihaan said "So! I see Zoro is wasting all his time here and not studying at all. I am sure Shriya he will have nothing to teach his sisters. They are going to feel so bad that their elder brother cannot help them".

Arihaan jumped and quickly ran to complete his homework. Shriya glared at Raghav and said "Why would you do that to my baby Raghav? Poor thing he is so innocent". Raghav placed his lips on hers and said "Sweetu all chubby with Mango flavored lips and you think I can afford to have Arihaan around"? Shriya blushed looking at Raghav who gifted her an envelope. She opened it to find a post card with a baby girl smiling. Raghav gestured her to turn it and on it he wrote "Thank you for bearing with all the pain! This is the most beautiful gift you could ever give me. I can't wait to be with my angels". Shriya held his collar and said "You better not forget me after your angels arrive". He was reminded of his fiery best friend who would warn him and set up rules. The pregnancy hormones have got the best of Shriya and she is always on the edge. He sat beside her and let her sleep on his shoulder with a content smile.

Assuming that she was asleep he murmured placing a hand on her tummy "Angels! I know you get to spend a lot of your time with your mom and brother but I am your dad and you guys and going to love me the most". Shriya smiled at his cute antics. She felt her beastly, arrogant husband was sometimes a cute boy even more childish than her Duggu.


As thoughts of Raghav flooded her mind, Shriya walked at a fast pace around her room. She has sworn not to cry. She is doing a great job trying to forget everything and live her life on her terms. Sometimes the fact that he is still her husband floods her practicality and hurts. She looked at the sky and said "I am neither a good wife nor a good mother. I was not a good daughter and am making up for it. Will I ever get a chance to be a mother again? Will my children ever forgive me? I know for a fact I have failed as a wife". She let out a breath she was holding.

She felt her mom was right and quickly prepared the divorce papers. She was about to mail them to Raghav and saw his profile which had a picture of little Reya on it. She teared up realizing how her daughter could now stand and walk. The last time she saw her, she was just a baby with fingers so tiny that she couldn't hold her father's finger completely. She decided not to deviate and typed quickly,

Hello Raghav,

I hope this mail finds you well. I know its been a while but there is something I wanted to bring to your notice. I cannot stay in this estranged relationship. I don't think we can call it a relationship in first place. I have given a lot of thought about it and seems like there is no real point of us calling each other spouse on paper. In this regard, please find the attachment of divorce papers I am sending you and I request you to sign them. I wish you a happy life ahead and hope you find someone whom you can trust and love.



She closed her eyes for a second and sent it.



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