26. Messy mornings

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The next morning, Shriya woke up suddenly due to a shooting back pain. She realised that she was sleeping in an awkward position. She looked around to find herself in the guest room of the third storey.

Shriya was feeling extremely awkward and realization dawned upon her about all the things she spoke last night. She held her head between both her hands and said to herself "What happend to being detached and staying in my "just the mother" lane? Way to go Shriya!".

She quickly got down after freshening up. As she entered the second floor, it felt like being amidst a tornado. There was Sanjana running behind Shirav in a disheveled state, her hair was tied up in a messy bun with her dress stained with ketchup marks. Raghav on the other hand was having upma struck in between his hair and Reya in one arm. Reya had one partition of her hair neatly tied with ribbon and other side open. She wore her uniform shirt without tunic but unicorn shorts.

Shriya wanted to chuckle but looking at a struggling Raghav trying to feed and do her hair, Shriya stopped and took determined steps down towards them.

In an extremely loud voice she shouted "Shirav! Reya I want you both to stand before me as I count 5". Raghav and Sanjana were flabbergasted but chose to keep quiet.

Shirav walked towards her reluctantly and Reya too took steps looking at her father every two seconds to make sure he didnot leave her alone with their intimidating mom. Shriya spoke in a gentle voice "Can I get a tissue Raghav?"

Raghav quickly handed her a tissue box. She cleaned both Reya and Shirav.

She stood up and spoke again to the children very softly "Chinnu and Minnu! You will have to eat breakfast on dining table from today onwards. Same thing applies for lunch and dinner".

They both nodded their head in unison. Shriya couldn't stop herself from smiling at their adorable faces. She continued "Good! Now get going towards the dining table".

Reya looked at her father and questioned Shriya in a low voice "Will nanna also come with us?" Shriya moved her head negatively and said "No Reya! He will have to cleanup because you ruined his hair and yes he will join you from tommorow only on days you behave well. Else!"

Reya quickly said "No! NO! No! I will not spoil his hair. Please..."

Shriya nodded and gestured them to go down. Sanjana gave her a thumbs up mouthing a "great job" as she followed them down.

Raghav and Shriya were left alone. Raghav didnot want to make her uncomfortable but the tension was thick in the air. Shriya looked here and there to avoid his gaze. She mustered up the courage and finally uttered as she did not want to delay this conversation.

"Raghav! I have given a thought about your words"

Raghav looked at her expectantly as she finally said "I don't think I can stay here. I am really uncomfortable. This is your house and your family. I don't want to spoil the environment of the house. There's only bitterness between me and everyone and about us...."

She hesitated to say but this time Raghav spoke "About us! You want to say that ship has sailed. We were just passing clouds. There's no future.".

Shriya was shocked to hear the exact words she wanted to say from his mouth. Raghav placed his finger below her chin and closed her open mouth saying "Close your mouh Sweetu! I know you too well to read your thoughts. Seems like you have forgotten our days at school".

Shriya spoke with bitterness "Yeah! Right! Just not enough to know that I don't whore around at the first sight of a man and get in between the sheets doing....."

Raghav placed a hand on her mouth as he looked at her with angry red eyes saying "Stop it Sweetu!"

Shriya jerked his hand away and said "Why is it wrong if I say it? I am sure you ran your imagination wild by assuming me naked and indulging in..."

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP!" he roared. This time Shriya chose to keep quiet as he looked destructive.

"I was wrong! I am guilty every freaking second for it. I know my guilt will never makeup for the damage done. Trust me Sweetu! All these years we were separated, I was not living on a bed of roses. I was burning with rage. I know it is my mistake and your answer is that you are not willing to give this relationship a chance" Raghav spoke the last words in a low voice.

"I get it all! You don't have to be the daughter-in-law or wife. I will not put you through that situation. But you will have to agree to stay here till you are properly diagnosed and treated. I have booked an appointment with a doctor who is my friend. I hope you understand back to back traveling is not good for your health" Raghav spoke with finality.

Shriya simply nodded her head. Raghav continued "So I guess that's about it. You don't have to work full time. Your laptop and belongings have arrived. I will ask the staff to shift it to the guest room. I am on a leave today! We are going to the clinic after the children go to school. Have a great day and good morning".

Shriya felt a wave of disappointment looking at his fallen face by her harsh words right in the morning. She walked towards Arihaan's room to check on him.

As she entered she was greeted by the sight of Arihaan who was neatly dressed in his uniform. He was combing his hair as he saw her in the mirror.

A broad smile appeared on their faces. Arihaan ran towards Shriya and said "Good morning Amma! I have five classes today and after that I have boxing practice. I requested my P.T. sir to make it three classes per week. So will be back by 4:00 in the evening. We both can spend so much time. I will show you my new scrap book and I have a lot to say".

Shriya set two rogue strands of his hair in place as she spoke "Can I help you with packing your bag Duggu?"

Arihaan replied kissing on her cheek "Nah! Mamma I packed it already. I completed eating my sandwich as well. See you in the evening".

Shriya stopped him as he was leaving and said "Duggu! Do check on your nanna while leaving and say bye to him as well".

Arihaan simply nodded and left.

Raghav was dressing up for the day, his shirt and trousers were on point but wasn't able to choose a tie. Shriya's words kept ringing in his ear.

He sat on the bed closing his eyes when he felt a pair of hands tapping him. He opened his eyes to find Arihaan as he smiled sadly at him.

Raghav questioned him "All set to go to school champion?"

Arihaan replied "Yes! Superman! A navy blue tie will look good on this nanna. You can ask Amma for a better color as always".

Raghav chose to simply smile sadly once again. It has been ages he had a nice conversation with his son. He knew it was Shriya who suggested Arihaan to drop by and meet him. Otherwise, Arihaan barely spoke to him.

Arihaan seemed to be happy and in good spirit today and Raghav knew it was only because of Shriya. Raghav gave Arihaan a forehead kiss as the boy returned it on his cheek bidding a good bye.


I am overwhelmed by the response for last chapter. I am yet to reply to all of you.

So I updated quickly.

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What's going to happen in future?



Do you guys miss Lucky?

Next chapter will have a Lucky's entry with a surprise.

Stay tuned!!


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