3. Questions

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Shriya stood in the kitchen trying to churn butter using the blender and watching the recipie on her iPad. Her hair was messed up and her face showed a lot of tension. She kept juggling since morning between her kitchen and Laxman's kitchen. Sometimes she cooks in Laxman's kitchen as most ingredients that Arihaan loves lie there. In this entire process she has lost track of the groceries that have to be refilled in both the kitchens.

A very tired Laxman sitting lazily on the couch said "Sweety vadina! We can always order something! You know that's the best option". Shriya threw an apron on his face and shouted "Have you forgotten that you ought to help me? When are you actually planning to learn? After another forty years?"

Laxman huffed at his defeat and decided to help her. Shriya neatly folded the layer of thinly rolled dough after filling cheese and garlic on the other half. Laxman waited patiently for her further commands. He was left with no other option but to help her as Arihaan and Raghav were playing football and he decided to let them have their father-son bonding time alone. These days Arihaan was less scared of Raghav.

Shriya moved her hand before Laxman's eyes and ordered him to cut the rolled garlic bread "Lucky you don't have to disintegrate it. You just have to sort of dent it so that it is easier to cut once baked".

Laxman got the que and said "I am a pro at that. It is as simple as cutting a liver open. I have performed a liver surgery yesterday. You see it's like...". Before Laxman could continue any further Shriya scrunched her nose in disgust and pushed his hands away. Laxman got a new weapon to escape cooking sessions. He further continued "I would love to do it. Please vadhina! I can also explain the similarities between intestine dents and garlic bread cutting".

They heard a glass tumbler drop as Sharini walked in with a disgusted expression. Shriya whispered in Laxman's ear "Did you propose her yet?" Laxman nodded negatively at her question. Sharini cleared her throat to get attention. She joined to help Shriya as Laxman sat on the counter. He was lost looking at Sharini's perfect smile and charming eyes.

Laxman wanted to take a step forward in the relationship but was hesitating as there was some sort of gap between them. Everytime he would want to propose her since few days, he always felt like she was avoiding him on purpose. Initially, he felt like it was due to the fact that she was too shy. He wanted his fourth attempt of proposing love to work in his favour.

Laxman lovingly walked towards Sharini and Shriya understood that they both needed space. She walked out towards the garden stating that she has left her phone there in the morning.

Sharini felt uncomfortable as she stood alone with Laxman in his house. Laxman approached her and she walked towards the wash basin to wash her hands. He stood behind her and said "Sharini! I know that you have an idea about what I am going to say now". Sharini's heart thudded. She was still not facing him.

He continued "I also know that you did have an idea about it the last three times but I could see that you are not comfortable. I restrained due to this reason. I love you Sharini".

Sharini froze, she did not expect him to say it. The last three times the moment she looked in his eyes, she wanted to say him that he cannot love her and but this time she wanted to hear those words. She turned around and hugged him. Laxman had a smile as he hugged her back.


Shriya sat in the garden and found that her eyes are closed by a pair of tiny hands. She guessed saying "Is it the monster who will bite me for coming late from office yesterday?". Shriya hasn't been able to spend time with Arihaan as she had to stay back extra hours in the office.

She knew her boy was heartbroken as she missed his surprise. She still did not know what the surprise was and that was her punishment by Arihaan and this morning he left early with Raghav.

He came forward and gave her a tight hug mumbling "I will beat the monster up but I won't let it harm my amma". Shriya hugged him back with equal intensity. He looked up and said "I will protect you amma". Shriya kissed on his forehead.

"Says the one who is scared of cockroaches" Raghav said as he sat on the chair beside them adjusting his socks. Arihaan glared at him. Raghav placed his arm around Shriya who had Arihaan on her lap.

Arihaan quickly pushed away Raghav's hand from his mother's shoulder and said gently "I will protect you from nanna also amma" and quickly changed his tone to a serious one looking at Raghav saying "Don't touch my amma! I will not let you touch her".

Shriya placed her chin resting her face on Arihaan's head and said "Now I can sleep in peace as I have someone so powerful to protect me" smirking at Raghav. Raghav replied "Try your luck with the sleeping Sweetu" with a smirk.

"Amma! I will sleep beside you from today onwards. You don't worry!" Arihaan said with a reassuring smile. Shriya gave him another hug as Raghav rolled his eyes.

"Amma! Where is Prakash mama?" questioned Arihaan. Raghav looked surprised as to how Arihaan knew about him. Shriya gave him a surprised look as to how he could remember someone he met on her birthday, which was long ago.

Shriya said "He is busy Duggu! I will ask him to come once he is free. Now! You should go and change your dirty football clothes".

Arihaan ran inside leaving both of them.

"When did you meet Prakash and how does Arihaan know him?" questioned Raghav. Shriya did not understand why Raghav looked distressed.

Shriya replied "Well! I met him on the day Arihaan came to know the truth about us being his parents. Arihaan knows him as he stayed with him that day. Prakash left before you came saying he had something important which needed his attention. Ever since that day I know nothing about him. He did not leave his contact number as well".

Raghav was perplexed, all his said was " How did he know about you? Why did you not tell me about it all this while?"



Guys I want you all to know that I will try to update twice a week. I don't want you all to wait for long time like last story. If there is any delay or something I will let you know beforehand.

Thank you once again for supporting this story. I see that there are many silent readers. Do comment if possible as it motivated me to write more. I like to really interact with you all and know your thoughts.

What do you guys think will happen now?

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