20. Court

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Three days later,
Raghav looked crisp in this navy blue suit and Shriya looked every bit regal in her white office power suit. They were standing in the law firm which was built with sweat and hardwork before they fought and moved to India.

The children had to attend  school and Neeranjana Reddy insisted that they will be taken care of and will not travel back to back. So it was only Raghav and Shriya who came separately from Bangalore and Hyderabad to London.

As Shriya walked her mind was flooded by bittersweet memories. She was here as intern when she first joined in this law firm when destiny brought Raghav here to give a speech. The rest was history. After they got married they both handled several cases made it most reputable law firm in Britain.

These cabins had several memories.  Them staying late nights to draft cases, spilling coffees accidently on files, sharing a single headphone while discussing clauses to kissing and making out by turning on the blinds of windows.

Shriya slipped lost in her thought process when Raghav caught her by her waist. It felt like a Dejavu. On the day she found out Arihaan was her son she slipped in a similar manner when Raghav caught her in his arms.

Shriya pushed all the thoughts away and placed a hand on his chest for support and stood up. A wiff of his wood and musk masculine scent tantilized her senses. She composed herself and took two steps back.

Raghav too was lost in her sultry beach and lavender perfume. He tried to move but stood looking at her eyes. Their trance was broken by announcement about the arrival of the judge.

They both have the privilege of being lawyers and their case did not need another attorney. The judge Mr. Richard sat looking at the familiar faces.

He questioned "What is the petition?"

Raghav replied "We both filed for Mutual divorce My Lord".

Shriya replied "I will be Petitioner 1 and Advocate Raghav Reddy will be Petinioner 2"

Mr. Richard asked "Is there no chance for reconcilation Advocate Shriya Shetty?"

Shriya replied "No sir! We are living apart from more than an year. The damage is irreparable".

Raghav looked in Shriya's direction as she spoke. He was also supposed to say that there was no chance for reconciliation but somehow chose to stay silent.

Mr.Richard questioned "What about the children Advocate Raghav Reddy?"

He cleared his throat and replied "We won't have a custody battle My lord they will stay with Miss Shetty on weekdays and with me on weekends".

Mr.Richard a 70 year old man took a pause and said "We will have the next hearing after 6 months and meanwhile I recommend the couple stay together, to attend Marriage counseling and try to reconcile".

Raghav and Shriya along with other lawyers bowed their head to the judge and walked out. Shriya stood folding her hands as she lost her cool and said "Why couldn't you say we have irreparable differences and we have absolutely no chemistry I mean compatibility".

Raghav smirked and said "Chemistry I mean compatibility is for people's judgement and no matter what we say I don't see any point he would agree Miss Shetty. He is a well versed judge who had known us on personal level. For God's sake we have attended his dinner parties. Have you forgotten? Do you think we can fool him?"

Shriya replied "You mean he thinks we have compatibility?"

Raghav looked away from her and took a long breath and again turned to her held her hand and said "Are you dumb Shriya? Can you not see we both look like soulmates who are meant to be together no matter what".

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