19. Advice

243 20 35

Maddison hotel,
Present day

Raghav stood before his twins who were looking between him and Shriya simultaneously. Shriya nudged Raghav to go ahead and introduce her to the children as they were already growing impatient.

Raghav gave a pleading look to Shriya to spare him from this torture. But Shriya was in no mood to let him go without him speaking up. Raghav huffed for the fifth time after failing to form a sentence.

He finally looked at both the kids determined and said "Tweety! Berry! This aunty......"Shriya glared at him with her most powerful stare and crossed her arms.

He immediately looked at the ground and then shifted his gaze to the children and said "She....she .....is ......you know.....a very good woman".

Arihaan banged his head with the plate in his hand. He wanted to spare his father the embarrassment and intervened saying "Guys! This is our mom. Just like your classmates have a woman dropping them to school! Like Nannamma is to Lucky and Nanna. Like big bindi aunty is to Sanjana Masi. Just like that".

Shirav raised his hands in air with a big smile and said "I knew she will come. I told my friends she will come soon". Reya was just looking at her father who was looking away she pulled his shirt and said "Daadda! Don't worry I will not let her scold you like nannamma (Grandma) shouts at thathaa (Granddad).

Raghav and Shriya both burst into laughter. Shriya questioned "Reya! Will you not protect me if your nanna scolds me?"

Reya sheepishly replied "You look scary. I am so tiny how can I protect you?"

Raghav lifted up Reya in his arms and said "Sweety! Tweety and me are always in one party".

Shriya raised an eyebrow and said "Let's see how long will this alliance last Raghav". Arihaan and Shirav hugged Shriya.

Sanjana clicked a picture of the happy family from far expecting someday maybe she and Lucky could also find a common point to bond.

Prakash came towards Shriya and she excused herself. He spoke "Akka! Have you decided to play home with your husband after everything. I hope you realize the grave mistake you are making" they were stood in the balcony of the lunch area.

Shriya simply responded "Prakash! I don't owe you an explanation. Especially after the way you behave with me. One day you decide to "play" brother and another day you are keeping secrets. I always trusted you but you and Sharini played nasty with Lucky and for that I will never forgive you".

Prakash was enraged and before he could respond Aravind came towards them.He held Prakash by the shoulder and said "Stop it Prakash! You cannot dictate her how to live. It is our responsibility to support our loved ones and not expect them stand on same page with us".

Shriya smiled at Aravind. She always appreciated his thoughtful nature. She knew he wasn't wrong from the beginning.

Prakash left leaving the two of them alone. Aravind said "Shriya! I know it takes a lot of courage to do whatever you are doing and I am with you always. I can never thank you enough for supporting me going against your husband. Somewhere I feel guilty for breaking your marriage".

Shriya replied "Nobody has the power to break a marriage but the people in it". She faked a smile and began to walk when he held her hand and that's when Shirav and Raghav who were searching for her found her.

Shriya removed her hand from Aravind's grip. She expected Raghav to be enraged especially after the drunken conversation but Raghav smiled and told Aravind "Mr.Bharadwaj! My son did not know this is not a good time to disturb you guys. I am sorry". He walked away with Arihaan in his arms.

Sanjana took the children away to pack as they were leaving the next day. Shriya came towards Raghav hesitantly. Raghav who was seated in the corner of Restraunt asked her to take a seat on the opposite side.

"So! Miss Shetty. There are a couple of things I want to say regarding the divorce. I see that you don't want the custody battle and I agree to some extent. My major concern is it will become difficult for the kids to travel every three days if we agree on mutual custody since you live in Bangalore".

Shriya shut her eyes. She knew right from the beginning this would become the major concern even if everything is sorted.

Shriya spoke "Raghav I was thinking to keep the kids for all days of the week except weekends".

Raghav glared at her. He took a deep breath and said "Very thoughtful Miss Shetty! But have you considered shifting their school mid semester as a problem at all".

Shriya responded "They are still young and it's easier to adjust".

Raghav huffed and said "Let's me think about it Miss Shetty. Besides I have drafted the divorce papers and except the custody part".

Shriya said "I have read it Raghav. I just wanted to say remove that clause which says you are going to give me alimony. I don't want any money".

Raghav looked into her eyes and said "I have left it blank for you to fill it with a number".

Shriya replied "And I want you to remove it".

Raghav huffed and said "Upto you Shriya. I will make sure this process is done quickly so that you can be free from being bound to me".

Shriya looked away and just nodded and got up walking but she turned back and said "I have an advice for you Mr.Raghav! Next time when you get married make sure you talk and not assume things. Also! I was never bound to you. It was 8 months of school days and one year two months of marriage, you know. You know when you very politely asked me to get out of the house merely one month after giving birth".

Raghav replied "Miss Shetty! Who am I to keep you away from your boyfriend? I just did the needful so that you don't suffer with me. Besides what makes you "assume" I will marry again?"

Shriya looked shocked into his eyes.

Raghav said "We have to go to the court we registered our marriage to file the divorce petition. If you will let me know when you are available I will keep my dates clear".

Shriya felt a wave of anxiety at the mention of the same court they fought against each other for two months on Aravind Bharadwaj case.

She had to revisit that bitter time of her life all over again.


Hey guys!
I am back with another chapter.
How was it?

Will they get divorced?

What kind of guy do you want for Shriya?

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