21. Bakery

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Wendy Bakers,

The flight Shriya booked to Bangalore got canceled due to bad weather and Shriya had to stay back for another day. After the heated moment with Raghav in the morning she came to her favourite bakery to have a few cup cakes. She wanted to relish some old memories along with the familiar fragrance of the bakery and she succeeded as it took her down the memory lane.

4 years ago,
Shriya sat in the law firm caressing her baby bump and missing Raghav terribly. She decided to give him a call but an idea popped in her mind. She took her letter head and wrote

Advocate Raghav Reddy,
Senior Advocate,
Reuter's Law firm.

It is to bring to your notice that two entities (living beings) tentatively named Chinnu and Minnu are creating unnessary disturbance. I would like to report and inform you that I will be filing a case on their father for not taking adequate care of them. Please do the needful while you still have time. Consider this as a last warning from my end.

An Agitated wife,

Shriya smiled after writing it and placed it in an envelope and kissed with her wine lipstick tinted lips and slowly went towards Raghav's cabin to place it between his official letters. She came back and was lost in work and right before the lunch hour she saw him waiting outside the firm through her window.

Laxman was in the office strangely. She greeted him when he said "Hi vadina! How are you feeling"?

Shriya replied "I am OK Lucky! Just feeling heavy and tired". Laxman quickly held her hand checked the pulse. He said "You are overworking Vadhina! For twins you have to take extra bit of rest".

He nodded and left when Shriya decided to join her husband. She wanted to ask Laxman the reason for his arrival to the office but decided not to considering the ongoing tension at house. Raghav and Laxman were not on talking terms since three days as Raghav refused to accept Sharini for Laxman.

Shriya asked Sanjana to inform Laxman that Raghav was busy today and find out the reason for Laxman's arrival.

Meanwhile Shriya was now standing beside Raghav who was talking to a familiarly strange man. The man abruptly left on Shriya's arrival. Raghav gave her a serious look and handed her an envelope walking away from her.

Sweat beads formed on Shriya's forehead as she opened the letter. It read

Advocate Shriya,
Assistant Senior Advocate,
Reuter's law firm.

Thise is to inform that the two entities you have mentioned about by name Chinnu and Minnu are causing chaos as they are craving for sugar. It has come to my notice that their irresponsible mother has emptied an entire jar of mango pickle placed in the right hand corner of the fridge when their beloved father was deep asleep last night. To repair the damage, I am volunteering to take them to Wendy Bakers for some cup cakes.

Always humble husband,

Shriya had a broad smile as she read that while Raghav who was already smiling winked at her. She crumpled the letter and threw at him as they headed towards parking lot.

Raghav pulled the chair for Shriya at Wendy Bakers. It was bright afternoon as they sat across tinted glass. Raghav was checking Shriya's expressions as she cutely pouted unable to decide which one to order.

Raghav has pre-ordered red velvet cup cakes along with some choco lava cake for her. Before she could place an order the cup cakes arrived. Shriya rose her eyebrows to acknowledge her husband's effort and Raghav's face formed a charming smile.

Raghav observed as Shriya was stuffing all the cakes as if se hasn't eaten in years. He sprinkled chocolate syrup on her face making her scrunch her nose.

Shriya was about to shout when he used his lips to clean the chocolate off her. Shriya blushed deep shade of red as he placed his lips on her ear and whispered in a husky voice "delicious".

He quickly moved away from her and said "I meant the chocolate syrup was delicious" and as a reflex Shriya kicked his left leg.


Shriya's breathing became erratic and suddenly she couldn't breathe as she tried to call someone and was unable to form a sentence. She clutched the table but darkness engulfed her and she lost control.

People around saw her falling on the ground and gathered around and one of them made a call to the last contact who happens to be Raghav.

Raghav who was catching up with Aadhik and Serah received a call and immediately rushed to the bakery.

As Raghav reached he could see her unconscious and he took her in his arms. He tried patting her cheeks but she was unresponsive.


He kept repeating these words. They reached the hospital and rushed her to an emergency ward. After waiting for what felt like an eternity the doctor spoke to Raghav.

"Not to worry! It was a panic attack and she seems to be having Anxiety. Please donot take her to places which make her anxious or depressed in any way. Could you please tell me her medical history".

Raghav who himself was hyperventilating due to tension spoke "She suffered with depression for five years as she couldn't bear the pain of the death of our first born son. She had mild panic attacks during her second pregnancy and developed anxiety as she was worried she would loose our children like the first time. Besides all these her family abandoned her the first time and second time all throughout he pregnancy she was involved in a long lasting court case. Most importantly I have been an absolute idiot all the time and she has suffered and is suffering because of me. I am the only one to blame".

The doctor patted on his shoulder and said "Don't be harsh on yourself young man. Your wife needs your support. Just be there and make sure she is not skipping the medicines".

Raghav walked inside the ward to see Shriya lost in her own world looking outside the window. He cleared his throat to get her attention.

"I don't need your sympathy Mr.Reddy! I am absolutely fine. Stop treating me like a patient. My flight got canceled and I had to stay back. I will be heading to Bangalore by the next flight. I have a lot of pending drafts to approve".

Raghav forwarded the glass of orange juice along with a medicine and before she could protest he said in a strict voice "You are not traveling alone! You will be joining me in my charted flight day after tommorow after you take proper rest. We are leaving to Hyderabad as children will be staying with me. I will find you an office space in Hyderabad and you can work from there".

Shriya tried to speak but Raghav cut of saying "I am not going to take a no for answer. Am I clear Mrs. Shriya Raghav Reddy?" with a serious expression locking his eyes with hers.

It was the first time in her life she has seen Raghav with such cold seriousness. He has been loving with her, lost his cool and shouted, he joked around, sometimes warned her about certain situations, other times calmly explained but this time he was dead serious and she knew better than to talk back at this moment.

She nodded her head with shocked eyes as the words Mrs. SHRIYA RAGHAV REDDY reverberated in her ears. This was the first time he called her that ironically when they were heading for a divorce.

"Good! now take some rest I will be outside if you need anthing" he said as he walked out.



Here's another chapter.

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