27. Intimate

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Shriya returned home after her therapy session to be greeted by a serious looking Reya standing on her bed in the guest room.

A smile formed on her face looking at Reya's cute but threatening expression.
Shriya folded her hands and stood before Reya as they both had a staring contest.

Reya finally blinked as she couldn't stare longer. However, she maintained her serious demeanor and spoke "Nanna told me to call you amma and listen to you. But you are really scaring me at times. I can be scary too! Just like the redbull from the last unicorn cartoon".

Shriya burst out laughing at her daughter's threat. She further questioned "What do you expect me to do about it Miss Reya! Sorry Miss red bull?"

Reya thought for a while not knowing how to answer that question and finally said "I am scary too! I have Arihan Anna! My Sheero bro, and most powerful and strongest of all my nanna by my side".

Shriya replied "That still doesn't answer my question. Why are you telling me all this and what am I supposed to do? Besides, chinnu baby a girl is brave when she believes in her strength and not on strength of people standing by her side".

Reya did not understand but nodded her head and sat down on the bed as her legs were aching. Shriya leaned on the head board and was sitting opposite to Reya.

Reya looked at Shriya who was untangling her hair and said "Even I want long hair".

Shriya said teasing her " I thought you wanted to look like your nanna with short hair".

Reya was again confused when Raghav entered the room to enquire about Shriya's session. He felt contended looking at the two important girls of his life chatting away.

He sat beside Reya and she jumped on his lap in an instant. Shriya's heart felt full looking at both of them. "NANNA! Do you think I will not look like you if I grow long hair?"

Raghav smiled and said "You will always look like your Amma tweetu! Either way long hair or short hair".

Reya pouted and looked at Shriya who replied staring at Raghav "But everybody will always say Reya is brave like her father".

Raghav quickly added without breaking eye contact with Shriya "Also courageous and strong like her mother". Reya simply looked between both of them as they spoke.

Reya yawned and said "It's my nap time. Shirav is already napping from a long time. Bye amma! bye nanna!".

Both of them said in unison "Careful! Don't run Tweetu/chinnu". She didnot pay heed to their words and kept running.

Raghav diverted his attention back to Shriya questioning "How was the session Shriya?"

Shriya replied "It was confusing to say the least Raghav! Dev asked many questions and let me rant for a long time. It is too early to come to a conclusion but I couldn't focus on therapy but it was our past that came up all over again! I mean you, me, Dev and Abhay".

Raghav clenched his fist on the mention of Abhay but chose to not speak and kept a check on his emotions. Shriya understood about the change in his demeanor and said "Raghav! let bygones be bygones. Can we just move on".

Raghav stood up from the bed and shouted "How Shriya? How? I can not imagine a life without you. How do we move on?".

Shriya would have normally shouted about how he threw away everything they had. Today was different, her first session gave a different perspective about everything to her. She began to wonder why he was so needy and impulsive naturally.

She simply held onto his hand and said "Raghav! I am not going anywhere. Please calm down! I was suggesting we move on from everything which weighs us down and all negativity".

Raghav nodded and said "I need you to see something" leading Shriya holding her hand. Shriya simply followed him.

He took her towards the pent house and unlocked the security code. Shriya was simply mesmerized by the view. It was all transparent glass with an infinity swimming pool attached. Shriya took off her foot wear and walked towards the pool. It was around sunset time and she let her legs drown in the pool as she sat looking at the view. Raghav too joined her and sat beside with his legs dipped three fourth in the pool.

There was comfortable silence. The kind one would find solace and peace in. Raghav entwined their fingers as they watched sunset together. Shroya let her head rest on Raghav's shoulder as their breathing also calmed down.

Raghav said "Do you remember Sweetu we used to sit like this on terrace during our school days talking about everything".

Shriya simply hummed and said "I do! You would tell me how you always wanted to paint clouds and wanted to carry your canvas everywhere you travelled".

Raghav had a faint smile on that memory as he snuggled closer and said "You would always reply to that saying 'Oh! I don't understand your obsession Feetu! My dreams are quite simple! I just want to become a lawyer and have two cute babies'".

Shriya chuckled and placed her chin on his shoulder saying "Dreams do come true but it's definitely not all roses".

Raghav settled the flying strands of her hair behind her ear. He protested "Hey! My dream never came true! I never got to go somewhere and paint. You rejected coming to the U.S. with me, then you rejected our honeymoon saying you can't leave your duggu, you rejected our baby moon for work reasons which I agree too and so on".

Shriya said "Raghav! Can we be friends again for the sake of our children. I really miss this vibe that we have".

Raghav said "We were always friends Sweetu! We can bring back the vibe for ourselves also not just for the children. Also, we do have a really sultry vibe as well which you are constantly pushing away. I know the reason for your erratic breathing much as I am aware of mine".

"Why are you denying it Sweetu?"

"We are chaotic Raghav! I need therapy. You need constant assurance. We are a mess and there is barely any trust in this relationship. I am constantly scared you will break my heart l over again if that is even possible. You are scared that I will leave and never come back. Let's first make some progress before giving in to physical needs. Please!".

Raghav wanted to kiss her lips but chose to peck on her forehead.

"For now children are the only priority" she spoke and stood up to leave when she heard "For me you are the only priority! I might be an idiot to not realise it a lot of times but that's my only constant".

Shriya heard it crystal clear. He was facing the opposite side and she put extra effort to leave from the place.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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