13. Paradox

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Radisson hotel,
Shriya was dressed in an pale green cotton saree. She straightened her pleets which were secured perfectly looking like a leader ready to give a speech in the state assembly. Sadly, this was an all party meeting and the opposition members were also present. The most prominent member of the opposition party against whom she is ready to campaign is none other than her own husband..soon to be ex-husband.

She had ten more minutes before the meeting would start. However, she wanted to be before time as it could give her some time to lobby with other members. As she passed smiles to everyone, she found a familiar face. Though her smile had sadness, her eyes shone with genuine warmth.

Laxman blinked as she smiled. Initially he was hesitant but he came towards her as he couldn't let her stand alone amidst all the grey haired people. Despite everything that happened in their lives. He always mainted the respect he had for Shriyap.

"Vadhina! This is a bad space to be in. I hope you realize it. These people are uneducated and play filthy games. You can't keep up with their stupidity". He spoke. To which Shriya only questioned "How have you been Lucky?"

He averted his gaze and replied "I am happily married. Your friend has deceived me. She played with my emotions but I got over her. Time indeed heals".

Shriya replied "I don't want to justify myself Lucky. But always remember that I never wished any harm on you. I thought you knew that".

Lucky had a tear in his eye and replied "You were the sister I never had. Yet you let all of that happen. I will anyway trust you".

Raghav entered while these two were lost in their conversation. Before Shriya could respond he spoke "Now that's the blunder Lucky! You haven't learnt anything from the past. People who betray others are often left with nothing but themselves and wise are those who don't repeat their mistakes. You should not trust people who betray. I know you have a soft heart. You can forgive them or pity them but never forget their deceit and start trusting all over again".

Laxman looked between his brother and sister-in-law and broke looking at Shriya's shattered eyes. He held his brother's shoulder signaling him to stop taunting her.

Shriya looked at Laxman and said firmly "Your brother is absolutely right Lucky. You should not trust people very easily. Even though you have courage, trust is very fragile and when broken again and again there is no scope for redemption. Always think wisely before you trust anybody, their words, their false promises or their so called "Love". I am glad you found your true love and are happy. I hope you will stand by her side always".

Raghav and Shriya glared at each other and Lucky decided it was not in his place to interfere and left them alone. Raghav fisted his hand and Shriya continued to glare at his now red eyes. He pulled her harshly towards an empty space between the lift and lobby. It was dark and he pinned her against the wall.

"Leave me Raghav! You don't have any right to behave this way" Shriya spoke in anger their lips were inches away from each other. Raghav's jaw was warmed by her uneven breath and he questioned in rage "Why? Does my touch hurt you so much? To the best of my memory I remember you were always a moaning mess everytime I intimately touched you. What changed?"

He saw the flaring of her nostrils in anger and a wave of sadness pass through her eyes "The last time I remember I had a gentleman of a husband who made love not an egoistic brute who manhandled women using all of his physical strength".

Her words peirced Raghav and as his better sense prevailed he immediately left her hands and took two steps back creating good space between the both of them. He looked away from her as i0f her mere sight was disgusting and left whispering "You bring out the worst in me".

Shriya leaned against the wall for support as she watched him leave. She spoke in low voice "The last time I remember you said that I was the best thing that has ever happened in your life". She promised herself that she will not cry so she adjusted her hair and saree before she left towards the conference room. Raghav did hear her words and that fateful day he spoke those words flashed before his eyes".

1 year ago,
It was raining heavily on a December evening. As time passed the rainfall began changing into a snow storm. Arihaan sat by the window and was making smileys with his fingers after blowing air through a hair dryer.

Raghav was sorting Arihaan's winter clothes and discarding the old ones from the suitcase Lucky has sent them. Shriya on the other hand was cleaning the decor stand near T.V. unit. These three were at three corners of the house. Shriya tried to bend but her overgrown four months belly which looked like seven months didn't allow her to bend.

Raghav quickly came to rescue and said "Sweetu! Why are you even working?" While picking up the wash sponge from the floor. Shriya's hormones were not helping and she said "My feet are swelling sitting idle Raghav sir! Since you have dismissed me from the office and assigned your Personal assistant Sanjana to do all my work. I am absolutely jobless and free. With your permission may I please clean the T.V. unit?"

Raghav understood that she was on edge and held her hands and made her sit on the sofa. He placed one cushion behind her back and one under her hand. He gently held both her soft hands in his and questioned "What is bothering my Sweetu?" Tears streamed down Shriya's eyes and she placed her head on his chest. He soothed her by running his hands along her hair.

"Everyone is busy and I feel useless so I am not doing anything. Duggu is also playing all by himself. Do you think he is bored by the idea of mother? Am I not a good mother?" She looked hopelessly into his eyes.

Raghav kissed on her forehead and said "You are the best mom in the world. My Sweetu is the best thing that ever happened to me. I will not even count all the sacrifices and things you have done for us but let you know a basic fact. Your presence is enough to illuminate our lives and make it perfect". As his words calmed her he took her into his warm embrace and soon Arihaan also joined them.

Raghav said "Zoro baby! Amma was missing you"  Arihaan made an apologetic face and said "Amma! I was Dwaing smileys on window. I will draw it for my sisters now" and started making smiley patterns on her belly.

Later that night all three of them snuggled in one blanket as they watched Arihaan's favorite cartoon. As Arihaan was immersed in his cartoon his parents kissed right above his head and Raghav once again said "Sweetu! You are the best thing that ever happened to me".


Raghav shut his eyes tight as an announcement for beginning of the conference was made and also headed towards the conference room.



Heya peeps! I couldn't update as I wrote something else deleted it and then wrote this chapter. I was not satisfied with whatever I wrote previously.

So here's a new chapter.

Do let me know how was it.

Did you guys miss Reya and Shirav?

Also, if you have anything else to generally comment on the story do let me know.

To all those who asked for an update, thank you for waiting patiently and any number of times I apologize its never enough. Sorry again. You guys really motivate me to write. I owe all the updates to you.


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