22. Mile High Club?

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Pilot Samuel Ferguson greeted Raghav with a firm nod as he and Shriya arrived at the Heathrow Airport private runway space.

Shriya was reluctant to travel with Raghav but really didnot have an option of quitting so decided to go with the flow. She was feeling much better and well rested after two long days of doing absolutely nothing. Raghav was on one final call before boarding the plane. Shriya stood far not wanting to intrude his private conversation.

Raghav who was having a conversation on phone when he looked at her staying five feet away from him. He gestured her to come towards him which she politely denied. He came forward and gave her his phone to talk to which she gave a clueless expression.

"Its Arihaan! He wants to talk to you". Shriya then realised that he called her for a reason. She didnot want to get close to him. She knew Raghav was being nice to her as he was either guilty or just being kind for old times sake.

She always maintained a distance from her kids as subconsciously she did not want her political legacy harm them. It was her biggest fear. Her father was murdered due to political turmoil. Raghav was also deeply involved in politics but she trusted him with the children's protection more than herself. Overthinking about worst possible things has become her daily routine. She would spiral about awful situations that could happen in her life and worry about it.

Looking at her hesitating to talk to Arihaan, Raghav realised something is terribly wrong and he was missing some major parts of puzzle.

"Do you think someone will tap your phone Raghav?" She questioned calmly but lines of anxiety were visible on her forehead.

Although Raghav nodded his head negatively he was beginning to understand that there is so much he doesn't know about her. He was surprised and mentally noted that he needs to find out about the reason for her fears as she is an extremely strong person. He did not want to stress her so chose not to question but calmly placed a hand on her shoulder and said

"Sweety! Just talk to him. He is waiting. He will think you don't want to talk to him. You know he has all your genes of oberthinking so be quick! And no my phone cannot be tapped".

Shriya hesitantly took the phone and said "Duggu! Baby! I will come to you soon. Till then will you be a brave boy and take care of yourself?"

Arihaan replied from the otherside "Ofcourse Mom! Safe journey! I will also take care of Berry and Cookie! Bye"

Shriya gave a kiss to the phone and had a wide smile. Raghav felt happy as he has seen her smile genuinely after a while.

Raghav extended his hand gesturing her to hold it while climbing steps. She reluctantly held it as he tightened his hold and helped her climb the steps towards his charted plane.

Shriya looked at the interiors there were six luxurious seats and she found one window seat baby pink with a unicorn design and she gave Raghav a look.

He replied "What! Why are you giving me that look Sweetu? It's my daughter's seat. Isn't it obvious?"

"You are spoiling her Raghav!" Shriya complained.

He replied saying "You mean just the way you spoil Arihaan".

"That's not fair! I barely get to pamper him in forever! Besides my Duggu has become so mature and he is a responsible and sorted kid".  Shriya now sat on the left corner on one side as Raghav was seated on the other side in the right hand corner. There was a walking space and two seat distance between them.

"My Tweety is also a very responsible and mature girl. She sings lullaby  everyday to put me to sleep" Raghav replied turning to face her.

Shriya questioned "How many toys and chocolates you bribe her with to do all these things?".

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