10. Single Father

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Reddy Mansion,
Amidst four baskets of chocolates sat Reya while Shirav stood a little away. Arihaan was playing on his play station on the other corner of the room. Raghav was holding his ears and requesting Reya to take atleast one chocolate. Reya being the adamant one decided not to look at her father. She pouted and looked at the other direction. Raghav pushed the chocolate baskets closer but that did not deter her.

"Tweety baby! My darling, my doll, my princess, my angel! Please accept my apology. Nanna is really sorry" said Raghav holding her chin but the girl is determined to give him a hard time. Shirav has already forgiven his father but was waiting for Reya to do it as well.

Raghav did not have another option so he decided to plead for one more time. "Cutie pie tweety! Nanna is sorry. I promise I won't shout ever. I will also give you anything you want". She gestured him to sleep on her lap and he did so obediently. She now  put her tiny hand on his forehead and smiled devilishly. She said "You have to play with me and Shirav for two extra hours. I am the queen, he is my bodyguard and you are my horse nanna".

Raghav smiled at her accepting to become her horse. Raghav got up taking her into a bear hug and tickling her. She laughed to no limits. Shirav also joined the bear hug and all three of them were cuddling. Arihaan watched it and was reminded of the times when he used to cuddle with his mom and dad the same way. He diverted his attention back to the playstation.

Raghav's phone rang which was answered by Shirav who adorably spoke "Nanna is busy. Please call later". He earned a kiss from Raghav for his conversation. 

Raghav spoke "Tweety baby and Berry baby. I want to see who is going to run fast to the bed now. When I return after wishing nannamma (grandmom) and taatha (grandfather) goodnight, I am going to read that person a bed time story and the one behaving obediently will get a gift from me". They both ran within an second.

Raghav glanced at Arihaan who was busy racing his virtual car on the play station. He could easily manage both his younger children but Arihhan was little difficult to handle. He went towards Arihaan and took the controller from his hand "Zoro! I expect you go to sleep at this very instant. I see you have been playing a lot of vedio games and that too at late nights".

Arihaan got up and switched off the television. He replied in a serious tone "Nanna! I cannot sleep at night so I decided to play. I won't be playing anymore". He did not give Raghav a chance to speak after he justified himself. He went straight to his room and closed the door.

Raghav did understand that the boy was missing his mother more than necessary. After they got married, Arihaan became closest to his mother. He was a mamma's boy. His day used to start with discussing his dream with her and ended with saying everything he did all day. Arihaan used to count when Shriya worked out in the gym and pushed her to do more.

Raghav was walking thinking aimlessly and went to his room. He glanced around the grey walls. Everything seemed bland and boring. All his files were scattered on the bed which he pushed to the other side of the bed. It wasn't like there was anyone to sleep there so the files could lay there. He texted in his family group "Good night" to the members who stay a floor below and above he stays. He opened his closet to see his clothes were disorganized and put them all on the floor to pull out whatever he was supposed to wear for the next day and dumped all his clothes back again into the cup board.

He shut his room door after he brought out the clothes that were supposed to be ironed for the next day and handed them to their servant. The maid asked if he needed any help with changing the clothes of the kids to which he denied. His mind was occupied with horrible thoughts when he wasn't working. All he could be reminded of was her betrayal and so he engrossed himself in work and lots of work.

By the time he reached the room he saw that the kids have worn their night wear by themselves. Reya has worn her frock in the wrong direction to do it before Shirav. Shirav on the other hand only wore his pant. Raghav was trying to change Reya's frock and make Shirav wear the shirt.

Meanwhile, Neeranjana Reddy and Sanjana came into the room. "Bhaiyaa! Let me help you" said Sanjana taking Reya into her arms. Neeranjana meanwhile sat beside Raghav and said "Reya is growing up Raghav. It's fine now. She is a girl and she will need a mom. It's not like the boys won't need a mom". Raghav said "Amma! Please I know that you want me to marry Avni but I don't want to get married to get them a mother".

Neeranjana replied "Raghav! I know whatever Shriya has done to our family and you is unforgivable but she is not a bad mother. You shouldn't have kept her away from the children and regarding getting married to Avni I felt you both are really compatible with each other. I don't see any future between you and Shriya at the same time I want you to get married to Avni for yourself not for the children".

Raghav bitterly questioned "Amma you think I can trust anyone again"? to which Neeranjana replied "It is exactly why I want you to get married to Avni because she is your friend for the longest time and knows everything".

Raghav replied "Amma! I don't think I can accept anyone as my wife. No matter whatever happend in the past. Only Shriya is my wife. I won't marry anyone. Also you must remember that she is still my wife though estranged before suggesting me to consider options".

Neeranjana placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered a good night while Sanjana placed both the kids on the bed and left. Reya squealed "Nanna! Story time". Raghav replaced the frown on his face with a smile and sat between his children.

They both slept on his shoulders as he recited them a story about wolf and lion. In between the story he dimmed the lights and Shirav was already asleep. Reya on the other hand was listening.

"The lion did not hunt the wolves as his stomach was full". Raghav continued when his phone pinged with a notification he opened it to find the mail sent by Shriya. He read it cautiously as it was the first time she contacted him in two years and the message was not something he expected.

His eyes grew red and he sat up when Reya looked at him and questioned "Nanna! Do you have to go to school now? You look scared" Raghav tried to smile and asked her to sleep. She refused and said "Nanna! You sleep now and I will sing a song. After you sleep I will". She started patting on his shoulder and he hugged her as tears flowed unknowingly from his eyes.

Here goes Raghav's POV.
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