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Draco come here, Narcissa giggled.

The platinum blonde looked over at his mother. She smiled and picked the 6 month old up.

Come we're going to meet your soulmate, She said and Draco made a spit like noise.
Lucius shook his head and put a hand on his wife's waist, apparating to the Riddle Manor.

It's not like you to be late Lucius, Tom said. We had a run away, Lucius said and Draco looked over.
He smiled and Tom returned it but with a small one.

Come Sev, Hadrian and Harmony are this way, Tom said walking away from the apparating room.
Draco rested on his mother's shoulder as they walked and looked around the hall they walked through.

The manor was laced with black, green and silver.
The Manor was clearly made for the Slytherins and their heirs.

The Manor was grand and had dimmed lighting with many doors and pillars holding the roof and floor up.

Tom opened a door and the four walked into the nursery.
Narcissa looked around as both families clearly had different tastes for their child or in the Riddles case, children.

Two cribs were on each side of opposite walls.
The one on the left had the name Harmony in cursive on the a small silver plate.
The crib itself was black with silver swirls lacing the rims.

A baby girl with jet black, silk hair and creamy pale skin laid, sleeping peacefully.
She was wrapped in an emerald green blanket with a small otter plushy beside her head.

The crib on the right was a dark green with black swirls on the rims.
A small silver plate had the name Hadrian in cursive.

The baby boy had jet black, silk tufted hair with creamy pale skin.
Much unlike his sister he was awake for you to see gorgeous Avada Kedarva eyes like his father.

He was wrapped in a black blanket with a green snake in the corner of his bed close to his head.

Hadrian made weird noises as if trying to talk and Severus smiled a small but genuine one at the three with Tom kissing his cheek.

Hadrian seems lively, Narcissa commented as the small boy grabbed her finger. Hm. Yes it's hard to get him to sleep, Tom said. From my experience Toms usually in bed by then, Severus said and shot his husband a look.
Tom smirked as Nagini slithered in and curled into herself beside Hadrian's crib.

Draco looked over and reached down for the 2 month old Slytherin Heir.

Is it alright? Narcissa asked and Severus nodded.

Narcissa put Draco in the crib and Draco looked down at Hadrian who reached for his hand.
He let Hadrian take hold of his hand and Hadrian smiled.

It's so cute, Narcissa cooed and Severus chuckled with Tom.
Lucius sighed and stood against the wall as the two small children interacted.

Something wrong? Tom asked raising an eyebrow. No my lord, Lucius said and Tom nodded before looking back at his son who kept making noises.

Do you think Hadrian will speak any time soon? Narcissa asked. Hm. Well that would be quite an accomplishment for him but if he keeps this up he may, Tom said and Narcissa smiled.
You know my lord I've never seen you so happy, she said and Tom rolled his eyes. As long as I have those three I will always be happy, he said and Narcissa smiled.

Suddenly Harmony sneezed and Hadrian made a spit like noise.
Severus chuckled and looked to see Harmonys eyes open and her yawning.

Seems all the ruckus woke Harmony up, he said and Narcissa looked at the baby girl.

It's amazing to see how much both take after you two, She commented. They took after their father the most, Severus stated. Not true they have your hair and Harmony has your eyes, Narcissa said and Tom agreed.
Severus rolled his eyes and Tom smirked.


The Malfoy family said their goodbyes as Narcissa held the sleeping blonde in her arms.

Lucius apparated them away and Tom sighed.

Something wrong? Severus asked. Hm. No just a long day don't you think? Tom said and smirked when Severus kissed him. Then you can wake up with the children and tell me about your long day tomorrow, he said and Tom chuckled.
You will and always will be the one to wake up with them, Tom said and Severus rolled his eyes as they walked out of the pier white room.

Harmonys crying suddenly rang through the halls and the two raced to their children.

Tom slammed the doors open to see his old Transfiguration and now Headmaster of Hogwarts standing in front of Hadrian's crib.

'And we had gotten them to sleep too' Severus thought as a growl erupted from his throat.

What are you doing?! Tom boomed with his wand in hand. Taking the prophecy, Dumbledore growled and picked Hadrian up.

Hadrian started to make growl like noises and Tom growled.

Avada Kedarva! He yelled but Dumbledore was gone by the time the magnificent green light grazed him.

Severus rushed over and picked Harmony up.

He only took Hadrian, Tom spat and Severus looked at him. I think it's because Hadrian's the heir.. but he still took my child. He took my child Tom, Severus said and Tom hugged him and Harmony.
I'll find our son I promise, he whispered and Severus looked down at Harmony who was still crying.

Soulmates Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon