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Draco flipped the Daily Prophet over and threw it to the table in the Requirement Room.
"A dragon? He rode a dragon!" Blaise hummed and opened the Daily Prophet. "Seems our young lord likes to create trouble." Draco rolled his eyes. "Hadrian just did it for kicks and fun." "Or Bellatrix did something to piss him off." Draco sighed. "I leave him alone and this is what happens?" Blaise smirked. "Only last year you were sulking in sadness and pain because he ignored you.. now your saying he did this because you weren't there to watch after him?" "Yes." Blaise chuckled.


"This isn't the Hufflepuff cup." Bellatrix tilted her head. "Well Hadrian said I should give it to you~." "Yes the same Hadrian who rode a dragon." Severus held up todays Daily Prophet. "He did what?" Severus handed his husband the Daily Prophet and Tom looked at Bellatrix. "What the hell happened?!" He slammed his hands on top of his desk. "You were supposed to only help Hadrian get the Hufflepuff cup.. Not help him ride a fucking dragon!"
Bellatrix stammered, Hadrian had to of known this would've happened... and when did he exactly get the reckless idea to ride a wild dragon?
"W-well... my l-lord... I-I d-didn't.. k-know the you-young lo-lord did s-such a thing." She nodded. "So you left my child with a wild dragon and that vault of yours where he could've easily died?" Bellatrix looked at Severus. "No I went with him." "Than why the hell was he riding a dragon?! He almost got killed by one before and I don't need to hear about him ever doing such a thing again!" Bellatrix clenched her fists. "I was only supposed to help him get the cup." "Which you obviously didn't do seeing he rode a DRA-GON!"
Severus shoved the moving picture of the loose dragon on top of Gingotts. "I got the cup." Tom rubbed his temples and placed the golden goblet down. "Does this look like the Hufflepuff cup?"

Bellatrix looked at the goblet. "I don't know my lord-" "Than Hadrian obviously didn't give it to you. I had him research the horcruxes for a reason." Bellatrix lowered her head.
"Go. If you stay any longer, your mate will be down a wife." Bellatrix bowed and quickly walked out.

Severus sighed. "He could've died." Tom stood and hugged Severus. "Don't underestimate our son Sev." "It's a dragon!"

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