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The great hall was quiet. Well except for Professor McGonagalls shoes that clinked on the stone floor with Hadrian meeting her in the middle.
With a flick of McGonagalls wrist, the candles had lit the great hall.

"I'm trusting you Mr. Potter." "It's Slytherin Professor... and I have an idea... but I need to find the Ravenclaw Diadem." Ron clapped Hadrians shoulder. "Neville and I have done research, I have an idea of where we can start." "Show the way Ron, Professor I'm sure you have a plan to keep defensive for now." McGonagall nodded and watched as the two ran out.
She smiled. 'My have those two grown'


Severus appeared beside Tom holding the four death eaters wands. "I assume Hadrian was there this time around." Severus nodded. "His words hurt." Tom smiled and kissed Severus forehead. "It's only for a show." Severus sighed. "Am I a bad mother?" "Hm? Of course not.. it was only acting." "Yes but Hadrian was so scary... plus he has your eyes." Tom smirked. "Well he is my son." Severus hit Toms chest.


"Neville and I had tried to find her before but the death eaters seemed to roam every corridor we went down." "Who?" "Rowena Ravenclaws daughter. Her names Helena Ravenclaw. The story says she took Rowena's diadem and ran away, she's the only one who knows where it is." "Let's just hope it's in Hogwarts." Hadrian covered his mouth for a second. Ron nodded in agreement as they walked along the broken crumbles of the castle.

They soon got to a part of the castle almost no one went to. "From what Neville says, she's really shy." "Perfect, convincing a ghost." Ron smiled.

Truth be told Ron was overly ecstatic to be helping Hadrian. It was always known that Harmony and him were best friends but now he was the one going through these dangers with him and actually being able to help with something important like finding the lost diadem.

"Go away." They looked forward to see a beautiful transparent woman. "We can't exactly do that." "I heard your conversation. I had hidden my mothers diadem for a reason... people like you were the reason." Hadrian walked forward with Ron staying back. "Don't come any closer." "I get why you hid your mothers diadem but I need it. My father will die if you don't tell me... you know him correct, Tom Riddle?" "Yes... I told him than he used it for his selfish needs." Hadrian sighed. "Yes I understand that... but I need that diadem." "To save him? Save him from what?" "If that diadem is destroyed my father will die.. personally I will understand that my father will not mind getting was he deserves for what he has done... but my sister would be devastated to lose her father... also my mother would be in hysterics about it all."
Helena looked at Hadrian for any sign he was lying... but soon gave in from his sad look.
"It's in the requirement room.. don't ask me where, I don't know." Hadrian nodded and gave a thankful smile. "Thank you Helena." She flew away soon after and Hadrian walked back to Ron.
"Would you really not care if your father died?" Hadrian looked at him. "My father and I have talked about the worse of situations, his death was one of the minor problems." Ron nodded still confused but nodded.

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