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Harmony hummed as she walked down the empty hallways currently in search for Draco Malfoy.

"Fuck off Malfoy."

Harmony looked around the corner to see Draco shove the much smaller brunette against the wall. Harry growled and she was going to step in when Draco kissed him.

Wha? Harmony breathed and crouched down, still watching.

What are you doing? Severus asked and Harmony looked over. Nothing, she said quickly standing up.
Severus raised an eyebrow and looked around the corner to see no one.
Harmony are you alright? He asked and Harmony looked over around the corner to see no one.

B-but they were just there, She mumbled. Who? Severus asked. Draco and Harry were just fighting I swear they were in that hallway, She said and Severus sighed. Harmony I think your seeing things because of how excited you are to go home, Severus stated and Harmony pouted. So you don't believe me? She asked and Severus sighed. Darling you know I need to see what you just did, he said and she huffed.
Yeah ok, she grumbled and he shook his head before following his daughter.

To close, Draco grumbled. Harry rolled his eyes. That's what happens when your needy, He said and let go of Dracos wrist.
Draco growled and Harry slipped out of his grip.

Find your mate Malfoy. It's not good to deny what you know, Harry said and disappeared in the shadows.
Draco rolled his eyes and sighed.
My mate was taken, he mumbled and walked off.

Harry~, Harmony sang. Oh no, Harry mumbled and looked to his side as the other was where Ron was stuffing his face.
Ok so I think I saw something and I need you to tell me if it was true or not, she said sitting on his lap. And this suspicion of yours is? Harry asked. Did Draco kiss you? She asked and Ron choked on his food.

What?! He yelled and Harry rolled his eyes. No Malfoy did NOT kiss me, he said. You sure? She asked narrowing her eyes. Harm you'd find out if I was lying, Harry stated and she nodded. Just wanted to make sure because mom says I'm just excited to go home and saw an illusion but I needed to make sure, she said and Harry nodded. I'm gonna go eat now~, Harmony said and walked away.
Harry sighed and shook his head.

Blaise looked at Draco who seemed troubled and when Dracos troubled he eats like Ron.

Mate what's wrong? Blaise sighed. Nothing, Draco growled and looked at Harry who was rolling his eyes and talking to Ron.
Blaise raised an eyebrow and followed his friends gaze to smirk.
Mate did something happen between you and Potter? He asked. No, Draco growled and kept eating.

Blaise chuckled and smirked.
He waved and Harry returned it.

Potters not a bad guy you could've done worse but you both have mates, Blaise said and Draco rolled his eyes.
He swallowed and shot Blaise a glare.
Yeah I know but if you remember mine was taken and we have no idea where that dipshit took him, Draco growled. Well ask Potter for help. I mean Potter is Dumbledores most trusted student and may just tell him, Blaise stated and Draco scoffed. I am not going as low as to ask Potter for help, he sneered and went back to eating.

Blaise sighed and shook his head.

Harry what do you want to do? Ron asked. Sleep, Harry sighed. What why?! He yelled. Because I'm tired, Harry said and Harmony jumped onto his back.

Harry I need help with my training! She said. Huh? With Occlumency? He asked and she nodded.
The what? Ron asked. Occlumency, They said. What is that? He asked and both sighed. A spell Ronald, Harmony said and wrapped her legs around Harry's waist.

Touch my girlfriend and you die, Blaise growled. My best friend I win, Harry said smirking.
Harmony rolled her eyes as the two began to bicker.

Aren't you popular? Draco grumbled and Ron looked at the four. I know, Harmony said whipping her hair. Draco shook his head as Harry continued to carry Harmony on his back.

Which way are we going? Harry asked. Slytherin, Harmony said. What why? Draco sneered. Because I need help with my Occlumency and Harry here is learning Legilimency and I don't want to go to the Gryffindor tower or to my common room right now, Harmony said. She also wants to be with me, Blaise said smirking. Who mentioned that? Harry asked and Blaise shot him a glare which he smirked to.
Wait mate your leaving me?! Ron yelled dramatically. I'll be back later, Harry said. Ron sighed and walked up the stairs.
I'm surprised you didn't want to bring your dog along, Draco sneered. I'll do whatever to get away from Ron, Harry grumbled.

Pure blood, Blaise said and the wall opened.
'Why am I not surprised?' Harry thought as they walked in and Harmony got off his back.

Come on come on little Harry Potter we shall go and train our minds, Harmony sang and Blaise chuckled as Harry smirked in amusement.
Yes show me the way Miss Harmony Slytherin, he said and Harmony smiled before running up the stairs.

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