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"The time has come for the war to end!" The dark stood behind Tom with their wands loosely in their hands while the light stood, holding their wands as if they were life itself.

Right now the light was in rage and sorrow. They had lost people they called friends, family, lovers and comrades. The light wanted a dream to become reality, the man in front of them to lay on the floor dead.. maybe even disappear with the slow wind that blew.
The sun slowly rose behind the dark, casting their shadows upon the broken stone of Hogwarts courtyard.

"And this war shall end!" Hadrian appeared in between the two sides.
Hadrian slipped his wand into his hand, and casted a spell from above. The dark along with the light looked up.
The spell spread along the large battle field, the blue flakes that looked as gentle as snow, fell onto each person.

With more and more flakes falling, the stronger the spell became.
Some of the light closed their eyes, memory after memory flooded through their heads... and it felt as if they were there themselves. Each individual felt happiness with the good memories, pain with the hardship memories, sadness with the sad memories... and so much more. Some emotions couldn't be explained in words much like the memories of early years.

In each memory a boy was there. A boy that went from messing brunette hair, emerald eyes and tan skin to a boy with straight shoulder length black hair, creamy pale skin and radiant green eyes.
For the dark many didn't know who this boy was.. but for the light they knew their savior instantly.
These were Hadrians memories, he was sharing the memories before he was taken from his parents, how he grew up as Harry Potter, when he received his Hogwarts letter from Hagrid.. meeting Ron, meeting Hermione, meeting Draco... everything flooded through all of them. Hadrian hid nothing. They saw as Draco and him fought, as he left like a cold blooded bastard, as he met his family, searched for the horcruxes, got the band that once cursed him off... everything until now, they all knew.

-though Hadrian hadn't shown them the intimate memories, he hid nothing, even when he broke down and even his abused bod-

He slowly laid his wand toward the floor. The flakes of magical blue soon disappeared but the silence still rendered.

"This war!" Hadrian looked at the light than to the dark. "This war started because a mother lost her child! A father lost his only son! Because a little girl lost her brother... and because a man the light has known as a kind soul took this little boy! This war is nothing but the definition of what you would do for your loved ones!" Hadrian looked at George. "This war has brought pain! This war has caused insufferable pain for everyone! Lost brothers!" Molly hugged George. "Lost mates!" Narcissa held Draco's hand. "Lost loved ones! Such as Bellatrix Lestrange! Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks!" Hadrian took a breath. "This war has lost us many things... but we have gained things too! Bondings we never thought possible! Strength only certain people of the wizarding world has gained! And to know the importance of what humans! Wizards and witches mean!"
"Albus Dumbledore took me, Hadrian Moflin Slytherin or as many of you know me, Harry James Potter! He took me from my parents! I am the reason this war started and only because of a hatred a Professor had! Only because of a prophecy a Professor at this school had given 17 years ago!"
"The light fights for their loved ones! To protect them! The dark fights because their loved one was taken! You want to say your side is better... but it isn't! I have seen in first person what a man can do! I was a puppet! A toy! And all because of a prophecy that was never meant to become true!"
"I lost my mate! The light lost comrades and so has the dark! The light uses dark magic! The dark uses light magic at times! Each side has something called humans! Humans are greedy creatures... but they are also fragile creatures!"

Hadrian lifted up a bag.
"This bag is full of what we call horcruxes! Something that is filled with a part of someone's soul!" Hadrian pointed the bag at the light and Harmony clenched her fists. "With the things in this bag you can bring the dark terrible pain! Pain to where this war rages on!... or you drop the greed given to you by a dead man!"
Hadrian than pointed the bag at Tom.
"My father is Tom Riddle! We all know he's done things that have cause pain... but pain brings a new life! Death brings something more!.. so choose! Be greedy and kill my father, your professors mate... or drop the bag.. and try to heal with your remaining comrades!"

Everyone stood in silence as Hadrian continued to hold the bag toward the light. Tom trusted his son... but with those last few artifacts in that leather bag, Hadrian held his life... and he was giving his life to the enemy.

George was the first to step forward. Molly held her hands to her chest with Ginny beside her. George walked up to Hadrian and took the bag.
Hadrian lowered his hand and George looked down at him before placing the bag on the floor.

"Revenge won't bring Fred back." Angelina walked up and hugged him.
Luna walked up and smiled. "I knew you would do it Hadrian."

The dark watched as everyone from the light slowly walked up to Hadrian and gave a weak smile as the bag laid in the middle of them.
Molly hugged Hadrian before grabbing Ginny's hand again.
Though some of the light came to the dark. Ron grabbed Pansy's hand and led her to the group with a smile spread across his face and Draco walked up to Hadrian, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"My lord they killed my wife." Tom looked at Rodolphus. "And you killed the Weasleys child... though they didn't even think about revenge." Rodolphus looked at his twin, Rabastan. "The weasel twins were not far from us brother, for now let the new generation have their win." Rodolphus clenched his fists but let it be.
Tom looked at Harmony who stubbornly stood beside her mother. Someone grabbed Harmony's arm. "Play times over Harmony, now come on. Blaise you too." The three walked to the group and Hadrian picked the bag back up.

"Is that bag really full of horcruxes?" Hadrian looked at Molly. He opened it to show all six objects. "Only two are still horcruxes, the others are just old artifacts again." "Oh so you played us." "Huh?" "Oh no with each separation of my fathers soul, it transferred to another horcrux." Hadrian lifted the diadem. "The diadem has half of my fathers soul right now." "So you actually put fathers life at risk?" Hadrian looked at his twin with a raised brow. "Of course, it wasn't a time to be fibbing."

Hadrian walked over and handed the bag to his father. "That was very creative of you Hadrian... though I ask you to never do that again." "Only if another war doesn't start again father."

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