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Narcissa knocked on Dracos door and he looked over when she opened it.
Draco looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks. Bags were under his dull silver eyes and his hair was sloppy. It also seemed like he hadn't showered but only changed his clothing every so often.

Narcissa gave a small smile and held up a black box.
"This was on my desk, it was addressed to you." Draco nodded and Narcissa sat the box on the table beside Draco. "... Draco are you alright?" "I'm fine mother." Narcissa frowned and sighed. "Well don't forget to shower, Harmony will probably come over later." Draco nodded and Narcissa walked out.

After a few minutes, Draco grabbed the box. He peeled off the note that was left for Narcissa.
Draco untied the black ribboned bow and lifted the top up. A gorgeous silver and green bracelet was resting on black velvet material. A note was under it and he took the note out first.

He opened it. The hand writing was elegant with the initials HS with a snake through it in a corner.

I have enchanted the bracelet, but don't worry it's nothing bad. Try to get some sleep

Draco put the note down and picked the bracelet up. Relaxation seemed to go over Draco like a soft blanket. A smell of green apples and vanilla wavered from the bracelet sending Draco into a sleepy state.


"He's in his room. Draco rarely does anything and I'm very nervous but maybe your present will lighten his spirits." Narcissa smiled and Harmony nodded.

Harmony currently held a black wrapped box that had a new outfit in it. Draco was hard to please and rarely ever shown interest in anything so she went the safe rout this year.

Narcissa opened the door and both were quite surprised to see Draco peacefully sleeping on the couch. The new bracelet on his wrist.
"Who's that bracelet from?" Narcissa shrugged. "I don't know, he didn't have it before." Narcissa picked up the open box. "It may have been a present from the person who dropped it off." "You didn't see them?" Narcissa shook her head. "I walked into my office and saw it." Harmony sighed and sat her present on his desk. "Than I'll leave my gift here."
Narcissa laid a blanket over Draco. "Best to let him sleep."

Both walked out and Narcissa shut the door quietly.

Tom looked up when Harmony entered the living room. "You were quick." "Draco was asleep when I visited, seems his mysterious person has won again." Tom nodded. "Are you upset by that?" Harmony shrugged and sat down. "Dracos asleep so I don't really mind." "You seem disturbed." "Well yeah. We don't know who this person is but they keep making stupid moves like this and *sigh*." Tom entwined his fingers. "You care because you don't know who it is?" Harmony nodded. "Yeah even on the note Draco only received a signature stupid that was HS than snake going through it, I mean who uses that?" Tom smirked in annoyance. "I know exactly who's giving the presents." Severus and Harmony raised a brow. "And you know how?" "Let's just say this person has made quite the impression." Harmony grumbled, "So you aren't gunna give a name?" Tom shook his head. "Don't worry, everything will work out in the end."

Authors note: I will be posting a new part every Monday and Wednesday

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