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Hadrian walked through the almost deserted Gringotts hall. Bellatrix walked in front of him, her hair freshly tended to and her dress specifically picked for this special occasion with her young lord.

Ragnock looked up.
"Ms. Lestrange... Mr. Slytherin." "I want in my vault." Ragnock hummed. "Password." "Vanilla pie." Ragnock nodded and slid off of his chair.

Hadrian and Bellatrix followed Ragnock to the raggedy cart and got in.
With many sharp turns and the cart seeming on the brim of falling over most of the time, they reached one of the lowest floors in Gringotts.

The three got out and Ragnock grabbed a bell. "Be aware of the dragon ahead." Hadrian hummed and Bellatrix followed behind her young lord.

Ragnock began to ring the bell and a dragon that seemed to be tortured to obedience, made a painful noise before cowarding into itself.
Hadrian tried not to mind the dragons helpless noises for the bells ringing to stop... though he had a secret soft spot for tortured creatures such as the dragon behind them.

Ragnock stopped with the bell only when they got to two large double doors. He swirled his finger around the near bottom of the door.
Hadrian watched as locks one by one moved aside and the doors opened rustily. "I'll be out here young lord~." Hadrian took a glance at Bellatrix and didn't trust her smile.

Yes Bellatrix was a fateful follower to his father.. but that was to his father and Hadrian knew why she was so devoted to him.
Bellatrix, even though married, had an affection for Tom and Hadrian knew this by the look in her eye anytime he was near... though to her he and Harmony were like a prize possession from Severus that he got Tom instead of Bellatrix...
And with a prized possession... usually people like Bellatrix would like to get rid of that prize.

Hadrian heard a slam behind him and turned to see both doors locked once more..
he was trapped.

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